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11. Remove the core and tube from inside the liner as shown in
Figure 15 below.
Figure 15 - Remove core and tube.
NOTE: With the body assembly placed inlet side down, it is not
necessary to remove the inlet cover plate from the body liner.
12. Remove the tube as shown in Figure 16 below and replace
it with a new tube. The inner face of the replacement tube
should be thoroughly lubricated with glycerin, dish soap, or
similar non-caustic lubricant prior to installation.
Figure 16 -Remove tube from core and replace.
Note: A hydraulic press is recommended for removal and
installation of the tube. If a press is not available, it may
be preferable to cut the old tube off of the core rather than
attempt to remove it intact.
13. Replace the tube and core into the liner as shown in Figure
17 below.
Figure 17 - Replace tube and core in liner.
14. Replace the body sleeve O-rings, body sleeve, outlet cover
plate, and outlet cover plate cap screws as shown in Figure
18 below. O-rings should be evenly covered with a light
coat of O-ring lubricant prior to installation. Verify that the
thru holes in the cover plate are properly aligned with the
threaded holes in the liner before installing the cap screws.
Figure 18 - Reassemble body components.