Caravan Protection
Frequently asked
What should I do
with my TRACKER
Registration Document?
When you receive the
document, check the accuracy
of all details and notify
TRACKER immediately if you
need to make amendments by
0808 509 0909.
advise you keep the document
in a safe place, but remember
not to leave it in your caravan.
Will my caravan
require TRACKER
identification stickers?
No. A major security feature
of the system is that the
presence of the TRACKER unit
is not disclosed to the thief.
In fact, identification stickers
are an encouragement
to thieves to damage the
caravan, as they may hurriedly
attempt to locate the unit.
For this reason we also
strongly advise that you use
your discretion when notifying
others that your caravan has
TRACKER fitted.
Can my TRACKER Caravan
system be transferred from
one caravan to another?
No. For security reasons the
TRACKER unit stays with
the original caravan for its
lifetime. When you sell your
caravan, the new owner can
benefit from the TRACKER
unit once he or she has
registered with TRACKER
Network and paid the
Network Subscription and
registration fee.
Please note: The TRACKER
Network Subscription is
non-transferable, so your
subscription cannot be
transferred over to the new
caravan owner.
Does my TRACKER unit
require a subscription?
Yes. Customers are required
to have a live subscription
to be covered by TRACKER.
Please contact the
Subscriptions Team
0808 509 0909
for more information.
Will my TRACKER system
work in Europe?
TRACKER Monitor provides
partial European coverage.
Please visit our website
0808 509 0909
for more information.
What is the Guard and
Recover Service?
Once your caravan has
been located, TRACKER
will arrange for a uniformed
guard to stay with the
caravan until the recovery
company arrives to pick
it up and return it to you
anywhere in mainland
Great Britain. Terms and
conditions apply.
How do I renew my
TRACKER subscription?
If you have opted to pay
the Annual Subscription by
continuous direct debit
or credit card, subsequent
annual payments will be
debited from your account
unless you notify us of
cancellation or that you
have sold your caravan.
Please note: The TRACKER
Network Subscription is
non-transferable, so your
subscription cannot be
transferred over to the
new caravan owner.
What happens to my
TRACKER unit if my
caravan battery is
The alarm part of the
TRACKER Caravan system
is powered from the leisure
battery so it will not operate
if the leisure battery is
disconnected. The TRACKER
Monitor system has its own
external 12 volt supply that will
last up to 6 months with the
leisure battery disconnected
but it is advisable to keep the
leisure battery connected and
charged at all times.
Will my TRACKER Caravan
system need servicing?
The Thatcham insurance
body requires all Thatcham
approved products to be
serviced every 3-5 years.
This can be arranged by
0808 509 0909.