6 - 2
Listed below are the tools and equipment required for mainte-
nance procedures.
Antistatic vacuum.
Clean, lint free cloth.
Compressed air.
Eberhard Faber (400A) pink pearl eraser.
Fiberglass or nylon burnishing brush.
Foam tipped swab.
Flat screwdriver suitable for termination blocks.
Isopropyl alcohol (99.5 percent electronic grade).
Natural bristle brush.
This section covers tasks from Table
that require specific
instruction or further explanation. The tasks and instruction
covered are:
Cleaning printed circuit boards.
Checking signal, power and ground connections.
Printed Circuit Board Cleaning
There are several circuit board cleaning procedures in this sec-
tion. These procedures cover circuit board cleaning and wash-
ing, and edge connector cleaning. Use the procedures that
meet the needs of each circuit board. Remove all dust, dirt, oil,
corrosion or any other contaminant from the circuit board.
Do all cleaning and handling of the printed circuit boards at
static safe work stations. Always observe the steps under
in Section 3 when handling printed circuit
Table 6-1. Preventitive Maintenance Schedule
Check cabinet air filters. Clean or replace them as necessary. Check the air filter
more frequently in excessively dirty environments.
3 months
Check cabinet and process control unit interface modules for dust. Clean as
necessary using an antistatic vacuum.
Check all process control unit interface signal, power and ground connections
within the cabinet. Verify that they are secure. Refer to procedure.
Check process control unit interface circuit boards, giving special attention to
power contacts and edge connectors. Clean as necessary. Refer to procedure.
12 months
Complete all tasks in this table.