The FILTER status indicators are located on the control panel and are there to indicate the condition of the filters.
"GOOD" indicates that the filters are clean enough to provide effective filtration.
"REPLACE SOON" indicates that the filters are becoming clogged, reducing the unit
s ability to effectively filter the shop
air, and therefore will need to be cleaned/replaced soon.
REPLACE" indicates that the filter is clogged to the point that it needs to be cleaned or replaced.
9.0 Operation
The Air Filtration Unit is designed to remove airborne non-metallic dust particles; it is not designed to take the place
of a dust collection system.
Larger particles are trapped by the outer filter. Smaller particles are stopped by the fine mesh pockets of the inner filter.
The air is then exhausted through the diffusion filter, which has a fibrous composition to help diffuse the air.
Normal operation:
At the Control panel, place Power On/Off switch to ON.
From either the Control panel or Remote, press the On/Off button.
Set the SPEED as desired or select AUTO.
If desired, set the TIMER to automatically turn off at a later time.
At the end of the day/shift/leaving for an extended period of time, press the On/Off button to stop the fan.
If leaving for a longer period of time such as weekend or vacation, turn the Power switch to Off as well.