Connect GPS Antenna Cable
Follow the procedure below to connect the GPS antenna cable to the eNB.
Insert the GPS jumper cable into a cold shrink tube.
Connect one end of the GPS jumper cable to the GPS antenna.
Push the cold shrink tube to the top joint, and pull out the strip.
Connect the other end of the cable to the GPS interface on the bottom of the eNB.
Connect RF Antenna Cables
Follow the steps below to attach the RF antenna cables to the eNB.
On the bottom of the eNB, open the dust caps for ports ANT0 and ANT1.
Insert each RF cable into a cold shrink tube.
Connect one end of each RF cable to ANT0 and ANT1 interfaces, and tighten them
using a wrench.
Push the cold shrink tube to the top joint, and pull out the strip.
Connect the other ends of the RF cables to the external RF antenna.
Connect WAN Interface Cable
Important pre-install step!
Some versions of eNB software require you to select the WAN
connection type in the eNB GUI b
you connect an optical fiber or copper cable to the eNB
interface. In such cases, wait until you enter the basic configuration settings before you
connect the WAN cable.
To configure the connection type, use an Ethernet cable to connect a computer to the LAN
port on the eNB. Log in to the eNB GUI, per the instructions in section 3.5. Once you are logged
in, go to the Network > WAN/LAN menu. In the
Connect Type
field, select either fiber (default)
or copper (Figure 3-3).
Verify this setting before hanging the eNB on a tower or other structure, especially if you are
using copper. This will avoid a tower climb to bring the eNB down, should you forget to set the
Connect Type
to the correct setting.