BF-UM-C-DP C271-EN June 2022
7.6.3 Selection Mode
Briefly press the
(0.5s) button to see the different trip modes.
daily kilometers (trip) - total kilometers (odo) - Maximum speed (max) - Average speed (avg) - Range
(range) - Cadence (cadence) - Travel time (time) - Energy consumption (calories(only with torque
sensor fitted)) -cycle.
7.6.4 Headlights / backlighting
Hold the
(>2S) button to activate the headlight and taillights.
Hold the
(>2S) button again to turn off the headlight. The brightness of the backlight can be set
in the display settings
. If the display /Pedelec is switched on in a dark environment,
the display backlight/headlight will automatically be switched on. If the display backlight/headlight
has been manually switched off, the automatic sensor function is deactivated. You can only turn on
the light manually, after switching on the system again.