Configuration / setup
November 2014
Page 9
The settings for total and flow rate are entirely separated. In this way, different measurement units can be used like cubic
meters for total and liters for flow rate. Please notice that all these settings influence the analog output as well.
Measurement unit - 21:
SETUP - 21 determines the measurement unit for flow rate. The following units can be selected:
L - m
- kg - ton - GAL - bbl - lb - _ (no unit).
Alterations of the measurement unit will have consequences for operator and SETUP level values. The K-factor
has to be adapted as well.
Time unit - 22:
The actual flow rate can be calculated per second (SEC), minute (MIN), hour (HR) and day (DAY).
Number of decimals displayed - 23:
The decimal point determines for flow rate the number of digits following the decimal point. The following can be selected:
00000 - 1111.1
K-factor - 24:
With the K-factor, the pulse signals of the flow meter are converted to a quantity. The K-factor is determined on the basis of
the measurement unit and the number of pulses generated per unit by the flow meter. Enter here the number of pulses
generated by the flow meter per selected measurement unit (e.g. per litre). The more accurate the K-factor, the more accurate
the functioning of the system will be. For examples, see SETUP 13.
Number of decimals displayed, K-factor - 25:
This function determines the number of decimals for the K-factor (see setup 24). The following can be selected:
0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Please note that this SETUP influences the accuracy of the K-factor indirectly. This setting has NO influence on the displayed
number of digits for "flow rate" (SETUP 23)!
Calculation - 26:
The flow rate is calculated by measuring the time between pulses. As several types of flow meters have an unequal pulse train,
it is advised to calculate the flow rate over several pulses, for example 10 pulses; the maximum value is 99 pulses.
The calculation time for very low frequencies (0.1-5Hz) is influenced by this setting as well; so do not program too many pulses!
When the frequency is above 3kHz during normal conditions, it is advised to calculate more than 50 pulses.
Cut-off time - 27:
With this setting, you determine when a flow rate is zero; when during this time less than XX-pulses (see setup 26) are
generated, the flow rate will be displayed as zero.