The feed dogs control the movement of the
fabric that is being sewn.
They should be raised for all general sewing
purposes and lowered for darning, freehand
embroidery and monogramming so that you,
not the feed dogs, are moving the fabric.
Select straight sewing stitch number 1. Width
setting should be on 3. Lower the feed dogs.
The length dial setting does not apply when
the feed dogs are lowered.
Remove presser foot and presser foot holder.
Screw the darning foot onto the presser bar
with the extended arm of the foot resting above
the needle clamp screw.
Stretch fabric using embroidery hoops placing
the hole to be darned in the center.
Holding the needle thread, take one stitch and
pick up bobbin thread through the fabric.
Lower presser foot lever and start sewing at a slow to
medium speed, moving the fabric back and forth
with a steady rhythm. Turn fabric and sew another
layer of stitching across over the first layer of
The straight stitch foot is designed with a small
opening in the foot to provide additional support
against the feed dog teeth when sewing
lightweight fabrics.
The markings on the 1/4 foot are to aid in guiding
fabric edges for perfect 1/16,1/8, or 1/4 seams.
Align the fabric edge with the marking of the foot
for the appropriate seam width. Sew, guiding the
fabric edge along the marking.
01 03
Select stitch #1 in the center needle position.
Because of the small opening, the straight stitch
is the ONLY stitch to be used when sewing with
the straight stitch, quilting or 1/4 foot. Turn the
handwheel and watch that the needle will go into
the needle hole of the foot.
NOTE: When using stitch 03 thread monofilament in the upper thread and tighten the upper tension
to 7. Sew at slow speed and the bobbin thread will appear on the surface of the fabric to resemble
hand stitch quilting.
The feed dog lever is located under the left end
of the free arm.
Push the lever in and to the back of
machine to lower the feed dogs.
Move the lever forward and to the left to raise
the feed dogs. Turn the handwheel forward one
complete turn for the feed dogs to return to
sewing position.