N ext, turn the cam era guide rail together w ith the crossbar by 180 degrees to the back and the
as in F igure II
and lock the rail in this position by squarely tightening clam p screw 1.
In doing so take care that the pressure point of clam p screw 1 presses onto the planar m illing on
the central axis
as in F igure II. C lam p screw 2 rem ains open.
W ith C S 2 still open, continue by turning the
cam era guide rail together w ith the crossbar
by 90 degrees to the front. T he support rail
has to click softly into place tw ice until it is
positioned in an open 90° angle to the
eyepiece bracket
as in F igure III. C lam p
screw 2 m ay now be tightened as w ell.
N ow open clam p screw 3, ease the crossbar
into the position show n in F igure IV and
tighten clam p screw 3 again.
F ig .IV
C S 1
C S 1
C S 2
C S 4
C S 5
F ig .III
C S 2
C S 5
C S 4
C S 3
C S 3
F ig . II
C S 5
C S 3
C S 2
C S 1
C S 4
C entral axis
w ith planar
m illing