This can be done during priming, or prior to the patient being put onto the
OMNI. Be careful not to move the machine during priming to avoid any errors.
It is important to ensure the Calcium Chloride and Citrate used adhere to the
concentrations set on the OMNI to ensure the volumes being delivered by the
machine are correct.
When using citrate we must not change the blood flow unless stated on the
protocol or informed so by a Consultant. If we change our blood flow, we are
altering the amount of citrate we are giving. Consult medical/senior nursing
staff regarding queries over the citrate protocol.
When entering parameters it is advisable to leave the ‘therapy time limit’
section as a dash, not entering anything into this box to allow the machine
to run for the lifetime of the set. Therapy time limit does not appear on the
Confirm Therapy Parameters page.
Enter the net fluid removal as zero or desired flow prior to start of therapy.
Please be careful to enter net fluid removal (fluid to be removed in mls/hr) and
the dialysate flow in the correct boxes. Ensure to follow the protocol carefully
and check parameters that have been input to avoid any potential errors.