SmartSwarm 300 Series
For every individual rule, the custom MQTT Topic, the Default Topic, or both, may be disabled.
If you are using cellular for the uplink MQTT connection, you are probably limited by bandwidth
and/or monthly data usage. The default behavior of the SmartSwarm 351 is for every Rule to publish
on both the custom topic and the default topic. You need to profile the cost of these publishes, and
selectively enable only those that are required for your use case.
For every rule in the “Rules and Topics” tab, the “MQTT Topic” field is completely customizable. Any string may be
entered. A forward slash will indicate a new level in the topic hierarchy.
For any newly-created rule, the MQTT Topic is pre-filled with strings from the Meta tab for that slave, in the order:
For example, given the following slave meta data:
… the MQTT Topic string will be “Test_Rack/Slave_1/Power_Meter”, as shown:
Any spaces in the Meta data fields will be replaced by underscores in the topic string;
Forward slashes may be used in the Meta data fields to automatically introduce more levels in the topic
space hierarchy.