with 128k Memory
0141 0315-57 01. April 2009
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Parameters related to how and when readings take place are defined in this screen. Acquisition is the operation of reading and
registering in local memory the process variables (temperature, pressure etc) present in the input channels enabled. Among
parameters are acquisitions start and end of readings and time interval between acquisitions.
In models without local memory, aimed only at measuring and making them available in the supervisory software, this screen will not
be enabled. The acquisition screen parameters are:
Figure 3 – Acquisitions screen
Acquisitions start – There are 3 options to start acquisitions in thelogger:
Specific date and time. Day, month, year, hour, minutes and seconds are defined. When they are reached they start reading
signals from the input channels of the logger.
Digital input (DI) activation. In this mode, acquisitions start whenever the DI is triggered and stop when it is disabled.
Through Start button – Determines that acquisitions start when the Start button is pushed from the screen. In this option,
observe that settings must be already configured and applied to the logger.
Base Interval Between Loggings – Defines the minimum time interval between acquisitions. It can be from hours up to tenths of
seconds and it is common to all channels. However, a multiplier of the base interval can be defined for each active channel.
Interval multiplier – Readings can be taken in different times for each channel, a base interval multiplier is defined for each
channel. The multiplier can be defined between 1 and 255.
Example: For a base interval of 10s, the logger will record at every 10s the value measured in channels programmed with multiplier
equals 1. At every 20s in channels with multiplier equals 2,…
Acquisition end – Defines the acquisitions end. Options are:
Specific date and time. Day, month, year, hour, minutes and seconds are defined. When they are reached they stop acquiring
values from the input channels of the logger.
Note: Acquisitions can be stopped before the preset period is reached by pressing the Stop Now button or when the full
memory capacity is reached.
Stop after a defined number of base intervals is reached.
Note: Acquisitions can be stopped before the expected acquisitions number is reached by pressing the Stop Now button or
when the full memory capacity is reached.
Never stop (wrap around). Acquisitions are taken continuously. When the full memory capacity is reached, older information
are replaced by new ones. The process is only interrupted if the Stop Now button is pressed.