Technical changes reserved
0141 0316-366 20.04.2016
HYTE humidity- and temperature-measurement system
wall mounting FF-GLT-10V-series
Power supply
The humidity and temperature measurement system may alternatively
be powered with DC or AC voltage or with unfiltered rectified voltage.
With AC power, the base of the transformer and to signal ground are
made of the connection of additional sensors must necessarily in
phase. When fed with unfiltered rectified voltage must be negative to
the reference mass and Plus + to be switched DC / AC 24 V. Incorrect
connection leads to malfunction or damage the electronics!
The sensors are durable and maintenance free in a clean atmosphere.
Recalibration is not necessary in most cases. For the humidity and
temperature channel is a potentiometer on the main board which can
be adjusted to the pitch as needed.
The calibration requires a specific knowledge and is only recom-
mended by experienced personnel.
Measuring the signal voltage
To avoid measurement errors due to lead resistance and the supply
current over the grounding line is at the 0...10 V
Provide a separate execution ground line for the signal voltage.
For the connection, only shielded cable should be used. It should be
noted, especially in EMI noisy environment. The shielding must be
grounded. Before you connect, check if the supply voltage agrees with
the data in the specified operating voltage.
Drilling template
Product options
Article number
without temperature measurement
(only humidity measurement)
with temperature measurement
with Pt1000, dry contact
Please avoid extreme mechanical and inappropriate exposure.
The device/product is not suitable for potential explosive areas and
medical-technical applications.
Please make sure, the ventilation slots are top and bottom.
B+B Thermo-Technik GmbH | Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 4 | D-78166 Donaueschingen
Fon +49 771 83160 | Fax +49 771 831650 | [email protected] | bb-sensors.com
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