User Manual
The WAN IP address is allocated by your ISP. Ensure that it is an available WAN
IP address. Since the WAN IP address may lack, many WAN IP address are
available within a limited area. If PC-2 and PC-3 are not in this area, these
devices would not be able to access the IP camera.
If a User wants to put several IP Cameras into WAN, every device should have
Port Forwarding set. In order to distinguish these devices, each device should
be assigned on a different port. If the port of the device is not 8081, you
would have to add the port to the IP address separated by a colon (:)
whenever you will be accessing the IP Camera (e.g.
As explained earlier, Router-1 will get the WAN IP address via ADSL. The WAN IP
address constantly changes, which is why the IP address cannot be confirmed.
In instances such as this, the Dynamic Domain Name Server (DDNS) would be of
great use. IP Camera-1 will update its IP configuration to the DDNS at regular intervals.
The DDNS would then recognize the WAN IP address of the Router-1 which is
connected to IP Camera-1.
The WAN IP address can be searched on DDNS by its domain name (e.g.
Aztechcamera1.com). The domain name will serve as the substitute of the dynamic
IP address. If the device cannot be visited through its IP address, the domain name
would also be unavailable.