Things to Consider
In the unlikely event that the keyboard does not work, even after pressing the
connect button, you can try the following tips to resolve the problem:
If your USB receiver is attached to a USB hub, please install it directly to the
USB connector of your notebook or desktop.
During synchronization, the keyboard should be located close to the USB
receiver to ensure a successful paring process. Also ensure that the immediate
vicinity is ideal for radio transmission. Avoid interferences due to metal surfaces
or other sources of magnetic / wireless interferences.
Ensure you are using new batteries and that they are properly oriented. When
in doubt, change the batteries as a precaution and then resume
Older operating systems will not always automatically recognize USB devices, if
you attach your USB receiver and an error of this effect occurs, please try the
following to solve the problem:
Update your operating system to the latest version by launching ‘Windows
Update’ or downloading the latest service pack from the Microsoft website.
In some cases, your operating may need to reboot after installation of new
hardware & software. Please reboot your computer.
Check whether your motherboard BIOS has support for USB keyboards and that
support is enabled. Some motherboard manufacturers offer BIOS up-dates for
download over the Internet.
Ensure in your system settings that your USB connection is not disabled or
missing from your system’s device manager.