Each relay can be set to one of three operating modes:
momentary, latched
In momentary mode, the relay closes when the corresponding
key is pressed on the handheld transmitter and remains closed
for as long as the key is pressed.
In latched mode, the relay alternately closes and opens. The first
time the corresponding key is pressed the relay closes. The next
time the key is pressed the relay opens. Each latched relay will
remain in its last position until the next appropriate key press,
unless power is interrupted.
In pulsed mode, the relay will close when the corresponding key
is pressed and remain closed for a preset length of time. When
is selected in any of the relay programming windows, a
text box will appear next to the red button on the GUI. Pulse
duration, in milliseconds, is entered in that box. The maximum
pulse duration is 65,000 ms (65 seconds).