* Transportation equipment
[Railway, aircraft, vessels, vehicle equipment, etc.]
* Antidisaster/crime-prevention equipment
* Burning appliances
* Electrothermal equipment
* Amusement facilities
* Facilities/applications associated directly with billing
(3) Supply systems such as electricity/gas/water supply systems, large-scale communication systems, and traffic/air
traffic control systems requiring high reliability
(4) Facilities that are to comply with regulations of governmental/public agencies or specific industries
(5) Machinery or equipment that may affect human lives, human bodies or properties
(6) Other machinery or equipment equivalent to those set forth in items (1) to (5) above which require high reliability
and safety
4. Precautions against long-term use
Use of Azbil Corporation's products, including switches, which contain electronic components, over a prolonged period
may degrade insulation or increase contact-resistance and may result in heat generation or any other similar problem
causing such product or switch to develop safety hazards such as smoking, ignition, and electrification.
Although acceleration of the above situation varies depending on the conditions or environment of use of the products,
you are required not to use any Azbil Corporation's products for a period exceeding ten (10) years unless otherwise
stated in specifications or instruction manuals.
5. Recommendation for renewal
Mechanical components, such as relays and switches, used for Azbil Corporation's products will reach the end of their life
due to wear by repetitious open/close operations.
In addition, electronic components such as electrolytic capacitors will reach the end of their life due to aged deterioration
based on the conditions or environment in which such electronic components are used.
Although acceleration of the above situation varies depending on the conditions or environment of use, the number of
open/close operations of relays, etc. as prescribed in specifications or instruction manuals, or depending on the design
margin of your machine or equipment, you are required to renew any Azbil Corporation's products every 5 to 10 years
unless otherwise specified in specifications or instruction manuals.
System products, field instru ments (sensors such as pressure/flow/level sensors, regulating valves, etc.) will reach the end
of their life due to aged deterioration of parts.
For those parts that will reach the end of their life due to aged deterioration, recommended replacement cycles are
prescribed. You are required to replace parts based on such recommended replacement cycles.
6. Other precautions
Prior to your use of Azbil Corporation's products, you are required to understand and comply with specifications (e.g.,
conditions and environment of use), precautions, warnings/cautions/notices as set forth in the technical documents
prepared for individual Azbil Corporation's products, such as catalogs, specifications, and instruction manuals to ensure
the quality, reliability, and safety of those products.
7. Changes to specifications
Please note that the descriptions contained in any documents provided by azbil are subject to change without notice for
improvement or for any other reason.
For inquires or information on specifications as you may need to check, please contact our branch offices or sales offices,
or your local sales agents.
8. Discontinuance of the supply of products/parts
Please note that the production of any Azbil Corporation's product may be discontinued without notice.
For repairable products, we will, in principle, undertake repairs for five (5) years after the discontinuance of those
products. In some cases, however, we cannot undertake such repairs for reasons, such as the absence of repair parts.
For system products, field instruments, we may not be able to undertake parts replacement for similar reasons.
9. Scope of services
Prices of Azbil Corporation's products do not include any charges for services such as engineer dispatch service.
Accordingly, a separate fee will be charged in any of the following cases:
(1) Installation, adjustment, guidance, and attendance at a test run
(2) Maintenance, inspection, adjustment, and repair
(3) Technical guidance and technical education
(4)Special test or special inspection of a product under the conditions specified by you
Please note that we cannot provide any services as set forth above in a nuclear energy controlled area (radiation controlled
area) or at a place where the level of exposure to radiation is equivalent to that in a nuclear energy controlled area.