Thank you for purchasing the Ayra Compar 20 Plus. This versatile spot fixture is fitted with powerful
RGB+UV modules that provide an extensive colour palette with high light output. This LED spot is also fitted
with SMD LEDs that combine to project spectacular light effects. This manual provides all the information
you need to know about the product before you start using it.
We advise that you read this user manual in its entirety before unpacking the contents of the box, so that you
are familiar with all of the functionality that this product has to offer. Please be sure to check that all of the
parts and accessories listed below under 'Box Contents' are included in the package. In the event that the
Compar 20 Plus does not function properly, or if you have any issues while operating it, please remove the
plug from the power socket and contact your retailer for assistance.
Box Contents:
- Ayra Compar 20 Plus fixture
- Suspension bracket
- Hardware (2x tightening knobs, 2x rubber rings)
- Connection cable from IEC C13 to Schuko, 1.5 mm²
- Infrared remote control with CR2025 battery
Please inspect the device and included accessories
Should you discover that either the device or one or more of the included parts have been damaged or
rendered defective while in transit, please contact your dealer directly.
Please note that the pictures in this user manual serve illustrative purposes only and may differ from the
actual product.
The information in this user manual is subject to change at any time without notice.
Version: 1.0
Date of creation and author's initials: 07-10-2019 RV
Revision date and author's initials: -