No frozen
No power supply
Check the power supply
Socket does not connect well
Connect it well
Thermostat knob on the “Off”
Turn it on
Frozen does
not effect well
Thermostat knob does not on
the suitable position
Turn the knob
Appliance was shine by the
sunlight or heat emitting
Keep away from the
Heat emitting
Need too long
time to start
Open the door too much
Reduce open times
Doesn’t have enough space
b e t w e e n t h e a p p l i a n c e a n d
anything in the surrounding
K e e p i n g r e a s o n a b l e
T o o m u c h
Does not place stably
Place stably
Inner accessories loosened
Fix them
Happened crash between the
a p p l i a n c e a n d t h i n g s
Keep away from these
C o m p r e s s o r
does not stop
Door does not closed well
Close the door well
Food loaded too much
Store them timely
If the indicator of temperature turns WHITE, this means that the temperature is
too high; in this case, increase the refrigerator temperature control setting and
wait for 12 hours before performing a new visual inspection of the indicator.
When fresh food has been introduced or the door has been left open, it is
possible for the indicator of temperature to turn WHITE after a while.