Getting Started – Ubuntu
4 Adding devices to the system
4.2 Upgrade a firmware 4.xx product
Axis products with firmware 4.xx must be upgraded with AVHS firmware before they can be added to the AVHS system. Note that
AVHS firmware is not available for all models, refer to the AVHS web page for more information.
After upgrading to an AVHS firmware, the product must be reset to factory default. Some product parameters will retain
their previous values even after the upgrade; by resetting the product to factory default, all product parameters will receive
their new AVHS values.
To upgrade an Axis product, follow these steps:
1. Download the appropriate firmware file from the AVHS web page.
2. Open the product’s web pages in a browser. Go to the
Setup > System Options > Maintenance
3. Under
Upgrade Server
, browse to the new firmware file and click
. The product will restart automatically after the
upgrade has been completed (1–10 minutes).
4. Reset the product to factory default: First disconnect power. Then press and hold the control button while reconnecting
power. Keep the button pressed until the Status LED indicator flashes amber. Release the control button. When the Status
indicator displays green (which can take up to one minute) the process is complete and the product has been reset. See
6.3 Resetting to factory default — Axis products on page 23
Refer to the documentation supplied with your product for more information about resetting to factory default.
An Axis product upgraded with AVHS firmware provides no direct access to live images or device settings. The product has a random
root password and is only accessible through an AVHS portal. See
4.3 Connect and register upgraded products
for instructions how to
connect the product to the portal.
4.2.1 Example firmware
Also available from the AVHS web page are special firmware files known as example firmware. These files are intended for limited
testing only and should only be used in cases where you for example need to test on a closed network and the Axis product cannot
connect to the Internet. The firmware available for different models is limited and there is no guarantee that example firmware will
be available for future models. Please refer to the AVHS web page for further information.
4.3 Connect and register upgraded products
To connect and register a firmware 4.xx device upgraded with AVHS follow these steps:
1. Connect the product to the Internet.
2. Check that the product’s Status LED indicator stops flashing. This indicates that the product has been assigned a DHCP
IP address and successfully contacted the dispatcher. For a list of error indications, see
6.1 Status LED error indications
3. Register the product at the AVHS portal. The product’s serial number and Owner Authentication Key are required. The
product can be registered in two different ways:
From the user portal
. To register a product, the user or administrator
must first create a user account.
From the administrator interface
. Log in using the
account and the password that was generated when running the database setup script, see
. In this case the product is added to the system and can later be assigned to any existing user account.
4. Live images from the product should be available within a few seconds.