AXIS C1410 Network Mini Speaker
The device interface
: Has full access to all settings. Administrators can also add, update, and remove other users.
: Has access to all settings except:
Adding apps.
Media user
: Allows access to the video stream only.
The context menu contains:
Update user
: Edit the user’s properties.
Delete user
: Delete the user. You can’t delete the root user.
By creating an ONVIF user, you automatically enable ONVIF communication. Use the username and password for all ONVIF
communication with the device. For more information see the Axis Developer Community at
ONVIF media profiles
An ONVIF media profile consists of a set of configurations that you can use to change media stream settings.
Add media profile
: Click to add a new ONVIF media profile.
: Click a profile to edit.
Audio detection
These settings are available for each audio input.
Sound level
: Adjust the sound level to a value from 0–100, where 0 is the most sensitive and 100 the least sensitive. Use the
activity indicator as a guide when you set the sound level. When you create events, you can use the sound level as a condition.
You can choose to trigger an action if the sound level rises above, falls below or passes the set value.
Reports and logs
View the device server report
: Click to show information about the product status in a pop-up window. The Access
Log is automatically included in the Server Report.
Download the device server report
: Click to download the server report. It creates a .zip file that contains a complete
server report text file in UTF–8 format, as well as a snapshot of the current live view image. Always include the server
report .zip file when you contact support.
Download the crash report
: Click to download an archive with detailed information about the server's status. The
crash report contains information that is in the server report as well as detailed debug information. This report might
contain sensitive information such as network traces. It can take several minutes to generate the report.
View the system log
: Click to show information about system events such as device startup, warnings and critical
View the access log
: Click to show all failed attempts to access the device, for example when a wrong login
password is used.
Network trace