2615 Wentz Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7K 5J1 Ph: (306) 651-1815 Fax: (306) 651-2293
email: [email protected] website: www.axiomind.com
Installation, operation, and maintenance instructions
for the Puropal-Pro-25 and Puropal-Pro-50 H
The Puropal-Pro filters lime and aggressive dissolved substances such as sulfates, nitrates and
chlorides out of the local domestic water. The device operates on the basis of a mixed bed ion
exchange resin and provides completely demineralized water that meets fill water specifications of
glycol and boiler manufacturers. It is also possible to demineralize an existing “water only” system
by circulating the system water through the Puropal-Pro demineralizing cart. This method does not
release any chemical additives into the water. The device operates without an external power supply.
Not for drinking water.
The filling apparatus is equipped with precise meters for monitoring pure water production in terms
of quality and quantity.
If the mixed bed ion exchange resin capacity is exhausted, then it can be easily replaced and disposed
of with the household waste.
Protective measures
Only trained personnel should use the filling apparatus.
Operating specifications must be adhered to according to this manual.
Local guidelines are to be followed for the connection between the local domestic water supply and
the closed loop hydronic system.
The system is not suitable for unmonitored, permanent connection under pressure. The valves in the
input and output are to be kept closed and only to be opened for the duration of the system filling.
Even demineralized water contains dissolved gasses, including oxygen and carbon dioxide that can
cause the beginning of the corrosion process. The gases are purged by heating the water, therefore we
recommend carrying out a heating test run for the system as soon as possible after fill-up.