M 5 2 2 2 1 D E M O U S E R G U I D E
J A N U A R Y 1 8 , 2 0 0 7
To get started quickly, please refer to the M52221demo Quick Start Guide. This quick start will
illustrate connecting the board to a PC, installing the correct version of CodeWarrior Develop-
ment Studio, and running a simple HID test program.
Software development requires a ColdFire assembler, or compiler, and a host PC running a
ColdFire BDM interface. CodeWarrior Special Edition, supplied with this board, allows the
user to develop and debug application code and to program flash.
One method to ensure successful application development is to load and debug application
code from internal RAM. The application can be ported to FLASH after development is com-
plete. However, this method limits code size to the 16 KB internal RAM size. When pro-
grammed into FLASH, the application will execute from Power-On or RESET if the RESET
vector is programmed.
The M52221DEMO board operates in two basic modes Run Mode, or Debug Mode. Run
Mode executes user application code from Power-On or Reset, if the RESET vector is pro-
grammed. Debug Mode supports the development and debug of applications via the inte-
grated USB BDM. An optional BDM_PORT provides access for any ColdFire compatible de-
bug cable. The BDM_PORT is not installed in default configurations. See the related sections
below for quickly starting the board in the desired mode of operation.
RUN Mode
Run mode executes the user application out of FLASH when power is applied to the board or
the RESET button is pressed. The RESET vector must be programmed to allow application
code to execute. Use the following settings to configure the M52221DEMO for RUN Mode
using the USB bus to power the board. See the POWER section below for details on config-
uring the board for alternate power input.
1. Connect auxiliary cables and equipment to board if required.
2. Configure the board option jumpers as shown.