AXEM Technology
11 rue Auguste Perret, 94042 Créteil, FRANCE
+33 (0)1 41 94 11 85
Siret : 45071140300045 - APE : 4652Z - RCS : CRETEIL 450711403 - N° TVA intracom : FR05450711403 -
Capital : 500 000,00 €
File : MagSled User Guide
Version : V1.0
Demo Test
Install demo-uhf-bt (1.0.8)
1. Copy demo-uhf-bt (1.0.8.) into internal storage of smartphone.
2. Click to install.
3. Click to open demo.
Pairing device
1. Switch on Bluetooth function of your smartphone or MBA5-P1x device.
2. Power on MagSled.
3. Click BLUETOOTH in the demo.
4. Click SEARCH to search for the BLUETOOTH mac address written on the label at the back of the
device. Click BLUETOOTH mac address to connect.