Shortcut buttons
Press the Back (for P1) or Home (for P2) button once briefly in standby mode to set the alarm
time. The alarm time for today or tomorrow, depending on how late it is, will be displayed. By
scrolling you can jump between the alarm times on the separate weekdays. By clicking you can
set the hour and/or minutes of the alarm on each weekday without having to scroll through the
whole menu.
After a weekday has been set, the menu automatically springs back into standby mode.
By pressing the shortcut button (either the back or home button, depending on the person) for
2 seconds in standby mode, the alarm will be activated/deactivated for all days.
New symbols on the display
Flashing alarm time
A flashing alarm time means that this alarm is just for the following day.
The first letter of all the weekdays (MTWTF SS) appears
This means that no alarm time has been set for the following day. The flashing letter shows
which day it is today. On days when an alarm time has not been set, only a dash appears.
Example: Today is Friday and for Saturday and Sunday no alarm times have been set - Display:
-- (“F“ is flashing)
Click – this means the clicking of the scroll button.
Bugfixing V234/V238
The alarm can generally (for all days) be deactivated/activated via the “Back” and “Home“
shortcut buttons in the LOW BAT / CHARGE status.
“We hope you enjoy the new feature!“
aXbo R&D Team,
Vienna/Brighton 2014