AWS Storage Gateway User Guide
Monitoring Your File Share
To measure the cache's percentage dirty for a volume
1. Open the CloudWatch console at
2. Choose the
StorageGateway: Volume Metrics
dimension, and find the volume that you want to
work with.
3. Choose the
4. For
Time Range
, choose a value.
5. Choose the
6. For
, choose a value of 5 minutes to match the default reporting time.
The resulting time-ordered set of data points contains the percentage of the cache that is dirty over the
5 minutes.
Monitoring Your File Share
You can monitor your file share by using Amazon CloudWatch metrics and use Amazon CloudWatch
Events to get notified when your file operations are done. For information about file gateway type
Monitoring Your Gateway and Resources
Getting Notified About File Operations (p. 199)
Understanding File Share Metrics (p. 203)
Getting Notified About File Operations
AWS Storage Gateway can trigger Amazon CloudWatch Events when your file operations are done:
• You can get notified when the gateway finishes the asynchronous uploading of your files to your file
API to request a file upload notification.
• You can get notified when the gateway finishes refreshing the cache for your S3 bucket. When you
operation through the Storage Gateway console or Storage Gateway API, you
can subscribe to the notification when the operation completes
When the file operation you requested is done, AWS Storage Gateway sends you notification through
CloudWatch Events. You can configure CloudWatch Events to send the notification through event
targets such as Amazon SNS, Amazon SQS or AWS Lambda function. For example, you can configure an
Amazon SNS target, to send the notification Amazon SNS consumers such as email and text message. For
information about CloudWatch Events, see
What is Amazon CloudWatch Events?
To set up CloudWatch Events notification
1. Create a target such as an Amazon SNS topic or Lambda function to invoke when the event you
requested in AWS Storage Gateway is triggered.
2. Create a rule in the Amazon CloudWatch Events Console to invoke targets based on an event in AWS
Storage Gateway.
3. In the rule, create an event patten for the event type. The notification is triggered when the event
matches this rule pattern.
4. Select the target and configure the settings.
API Version 2013-06-30