V. Zeroing The Scale (Tare)
If you wish to zero out the weight of an item such as a blanket,
follow these steps:
1. Place the blanket on the center of the weighing platform.
2. Wait for the weight to stabilize then tap the
key briefly. The display will reset to zero.
3. Now place the baby on the scale. Only the baby’s weight
will be displayed.
4. When the blanket and baby are removed, a negative
number will be displayed. Tap
to reset the
display back to zero again.
VI. Changing the Unit of Measure
1. Press the
Weight Unit
key on the underside of the scale
to change the scale’s weighing unit between lb or kg.
2. If the scale is turned off then back on, it will default to the
last unit used.
• PW-44 Units:
kg (Kilogram/Gram) lb:oz (Pound:Ounce)
VII. Error Codes
1. Lo
-Batteries are low. Replace the batteries.
2. - - - -
- Maximum capacity exceeded. This scale cannot
be used to give measurements over 44lbs.