First start
Start the air exhaust fan only with all safety precautions in place and all hazards eliminated. Check that it runs steadily and the air is handled efficiently (out of the room
and through the air exhaust ductwork to the outside).
Check the operation of the fan (noise, vibration, the possibility to control the rotation speed).
Operate the air exhaust fan only with the front panel installed, as it is a direct touch guard on the suction side. Depending on the actual installation conditions, the fan
may require a protection against touching the moving parts on the delivery side. Suitable delivery-side direct guards can be provided on request. If the fan is guarded
against direct touch due to their installation conditions (e.g. in line with the air exhaust ductwork), no direct touch guard is required if the installation conditions
provide an equivalent level of safety. Note that the air exhaust fan user is liable for compliance with current safety standards and may be held liable for accidental injury
or death caused by failure to provide the required safety equipment.
Electrical connections
Electrical connections and commissioning of the fan shall only be completed by qualified professional electricians.
Always follow the applicable standards, safety regulations and technical requirements specified by the power company!
The power supply line for the axial fan requires a multi-pole circuit breaker / isolation switch with a minimum contact break gap of 3 mm (ref. EN 60335-1)!
The mains system, voltage and frequency must match the nameplate ratings of the fan.
Fans with the stop delay timer: the maximum voltage limit on terminal SL to initiate the stop delay time countdown or start the air exhaust fan is approx. 130 V AC.
The dimensions of specific fan models are shown in Fig. 5.
Servicing and maintenance
Use protective footwear and gloves during maintenance!
During all maintenance and servicing works the electrical and OHS regulations (IEC 60364-3) must be observed.
Before servicing the fan, isolate it from the mains voltage with the circuit breaker. Secure the circuit breaker against inadvertent operation!
The fan ductwork must be clear of foreign bodies: hazard of injury by objects blown out at a high speed!