here's the command to program 1st.HEX (downloaded from the
web site):
app3 com1 1st.HEX
If you want to verify that the device was programmed correctly
you can issue this command:
app3 -v com1 1st.HEX
To run the new program, remove the jumper cap and press the
reset button. This is the basic steps you'll use to program the APP-
III each time you want to run a program.
You can write your own programs using any language that
generates 8 bit hex files like MPLAB from Microchip.
The app3 program understands several options:
-v: Verify
-d type: Display (type=all, pgm, id, eeprom, or config)
-e: Erase
-b: Blank check
-m xxxx: Sets top address for -d, -e, and -b
So, for example, to display the contents of the eeprom, issue the
app3 -d eeprom com1