You can save a total of 5 emergency numbers (family, neigh-
bours, friends, emergency services). These preselected
numbers will be dialed automatically in a stored sequence in
an emergency, if the emergency button on the back of the
phone is pressed and held.
A continual warning signal sounds during the emergency so
that you and the person called will know that this is an emer-
gency! If the number is not reached, the second number will
be called automatically. If the second number is not reached,
the fi rst will be called again and so on (max. 3 rotations of
the two numbers).
Note: This telephone does not
recognize whether a person
or machine has picked up the
call and assumes that the call
has been successfully!
If no emergency number is
saved or if your calling card
has expired or you have no
access to a foreign network
(e.g. roaming not permitted),
112 can be dialed.