Avtech Voice Modem w/USB Скачать руководство пользователя страница 5

   AVTECH Software, Inc.


Page 5 


Configure Your Voice Modem

a.  In the 

External Modems

 page, locate the 

Dial Out Modem


b.  In 

Phone System Prefix,

 enter the number required to access an outside line. Many 

phone systems, for example, require “9” to make an outside call.


If you are using TAP

, enter a 

Test Service #

. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

d.  In 

Test Phone/ID #

, enter a phone number to send a test message to once you’ve 

finished configuring your modem.


If you are using TAP

, and your TAP service requires a password, enter a 



. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

f.  In 

Test Initialization String

, leave the default string (&FQ0V1X4&D2S38=10). It 

configures the modem so that Device ManageR can use it.

g.  In 

COM Port

, select the port that your modem is using on Device ManageR’s 

host system. 

(You found this number in Step 2: Check your modem’s COM port 


h.  For direct dial, select the following in 

Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits




Baud Rate




Data Bits

:       7

Stop Bits

:       1


:            Even

If you are using TAP

, check with your service provider for the correct settings.

5.  Select 

Save Settings

 to save your changes.

6.  Then send a test message to the number you entered in 

Test Phone #


•  Select 

Test Voice Modem

 to test playing alerts texts over the phone

•  Select 

Test Dial Out Modem

 to test text messaging through a TAP service or 

dial tones through direct dial

