RS232 control
The RS232 interface can be used for sending control commands to the FHD Player.
Protocol for control with the RS232 interface:
Data transfer: 9600 Baud, ATM
Data bits: 8
Parity bit: None
Stop bit:1
With the RS232 interface connect the FHD Player to the control device (e.g. PC).
In the web interface open
Setup > Peripheral Setup
Serial Device > Terminal
for control.
Choose the corresponding baud rate.
Apply Settings
The commands can now be transferred from your individual control program.
Fig.: Pinout RS232
Fig.: Accessories STK-C012 null modem cable
without handshake
Pin 2: Receive Data (RXD)
Pin 3: Transmit Data (TXD)
Pin 5: Ground (GND)
RS232 female Port
RS232 female Port