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14 Power Off
When you are done experimenting with your Ultra96-V2 and wish to power off the board, there
are several ways to power off the board. You can do it from the command line with a ‘shutdown -
h now’ command. However, we will have you take advantage of the on-board On/Off Controller
that interacts with the MPSoC Power Management Unit to initiate a controlled shutdown.
1. Press and release the Power button (SW4) located on the top side of your Ultra96-V2
next to USB port J8.
2. You will notice your board does not power down immediately. It will take roughly 10-20
seconds for your board to completely power down. The reason behind this is it is adhering
to the various power down sequencing requirements. See the message in the terminal
as shown.
Figure 21 – Power Down Initiated Through Short Press of SW4
3. Please note, if you do not let your Ultra96-V2 power off as per the power down
sequencing requirements (such as unplugging the barrel jack), your microSD Card may
get corrupted or damaged.
4. To force poweroff of the Ultra96-V2, you can also press and hold SW4 for 10 seconds.
This is useful for when the soft power-off doesn’t work.