Aeronautical Navigator
- User Manual
information of the object, select ENTER.
The cursor menu will appear from which it is
possible to select:
• Objects info, to visualize the information
of the selected object.
• Airspaces, to visualize the information of
the airspaces of the cursor position.
• Add to FP, to add the cursor point (Object)
to the activated Flight Plan.
• Add user point, to save the cursor point
as user point.
• Save as user mark, to save the cursor
point as user point.
• Show zoom lens, to see the objects
area at a closer zoom level in a separate
window, which makes it easier to select
an object without changing the zoom
level of the map display.
III. MODE menu on Map
During navigation it is possible to change
display mode to
EFB mode
Flight Bag),
PFD mode
(Primary Flight
Display) if the AvMap A2 ADAHRS module
is connected to the EKP V, or
to display the moving map.
The EFB page provides quick information
on the departure airport and the destination
airport of the active flight plan, like airport
information and airport Approach Plates.
9. GoTo - Direct Navigation
Direct navigation to an object can be
activated selecting the GOTO button. The
menu permits to choose different types of
destinations. In particular, from the GOTO
menu it is possible to search for a specific
point as destination:
• Cursor
• Airports
• VOR, NDB, Intersections
• Address
• VFR Rep. Point
• User point
• Lat/Lon
I. Cursor
This is the quickest way to plan a route.
Search for the destination point by exploring
the map with the cursor, place the cursor on
the precise position (use the ZOOM level
to be more precise) and press the GOTO
button. The GOTO menu will appear and
select Cursor. The selected position is
now your destination and the navigation is
immediately active.