Delete Channel
Press RED key to delete the highlighted channel on channel edit menu. An “X” icon would be display
on the left of the channel name after you press RED key. You may have to input the password if you
want to delete a locked channel. Press EXIT key to exit the channel edit menu and save it.
6.6.2 Lock
Press GREEN key on the remote control to lock or unlock the highlighted channel. You have to input
the password if you want to lock or unlock the channel. Default value is “0000”. One lock icon will
display on the right of the channel name after you lock the channel. Press exit key to exit the channel
list menu and save.
6.6.3 FAV
Add the highlighted channel to the favourite’s channel list by pressing YELLOW key on the remote
control. A Favourite icon will display on the right of the channel name after you set as favourite channel.
Press EXIT key to exit the channel edit menu.