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Copyright © AVK Holding A/S, original version, rev. 4, 05-MAY-2021
Based on AVK-Tech form no. 04.186, rev 3, 15-Nov-2018
Sensor accuracy
± 5 mm
10. Operation and installation
Step-by-step installation guide
In order to install this product correctly, please follow the steps below:
1. Find a desired location for measuring the water level e.g. beneath the chamber lid.
NOTE: Make sure to mount the level sensor pointing towards the surface where level
measuring is desired.
2. Make sure that the transmitter, wires and sensor are placed without interrupting the
operation of valves or similar.
3. Mount the transmitter in a location with good radio connection using the included steel
Operation description
AVK Smart Water’s VIDI Level Sensor is equipped with a long-lasting non-rechargeable lithium
battery-powered device that allow the acquisition of physical quantities and sending them using
low-power radio equipment.
The transmitter sends a data package every 30 minutes containing a message with the
measured values with five minutes resolution. In case an alarm is detected (tamper or battery
alarm), an additional data package is sent immediately.
Transmitters are shipped with radio mode off. Once the installation of the transmitter is
complete, the transmitter must be activated. This is done by using an Android (5.0 or later
version) phone with NFC interface (E.g. Samsung S10e).
In order to activate the device, it is necessary
to download an application called “VIDI Tool”.
Download the application from Google Play store. If the application is hard to find, it is
recommended to search for “VIDI Tool ASW” in the search bar on Google Play store. The
application icon should look like the icon shown below:
Open the app and place the phone at the NFC symbol on the VIDI Transmitter like illustrated
If the phone does not connect to the device, adjust the phone
’s position a bit and try
To activate the radio, press “ACTIVATE” without moving the phone from the NFC symbol on
the Smart Positioner. To disab
le the radio, press “DEACTIVATE”.