Connecting to network
Connect to a wireless network
The Wi-Fi radio in the console will be disabled if it
detects an active network connection via Ether-
net� Remove the Ethernet cable to enable the
Wi-Fi radio�
The CA300’s Network Module can operate as a
DHCP Server to make setup easier� Whenever
the system is factory defaulted the DHCP server
is enabled to streamline the network configura-
tion process� However, this may create unin-
tended network conflicts�
To avoid this, we recommend that the DHCP
Server be disabled by following the procedure
provided in the
CA300 Network Configuration
found at
1� Make sure there is no active LAN connection to the
system� (See note above�)
2� Connect a network cable between the console network
port and a laptop computer�
The following network settings are temporary for
CA300 Network Module configuration� We
recommend that you note your laptop’s current
network settings, and when you are finished with
network configuration, you should revert your
laptop to its prior configuration�
3� Set the static IP address on the computer to
and Subnet Mask
The Gateway (WIN)/Router (MAC) address is not re-
For detailed instructions for setting a static IP address,
please refer to the
CA300 Network Configuration
found at
4� Open a new web browser window (IE9 or higher,
Firefox, Chrome, or Safari) and enter the fol-
lowing IP address in the browser’s address bar:
5� Login to the Network Module: admin/admin�
6� The Network Module information page is displayed�
(Wizard) from the set of navigation icons at
the top right to initiate the setup wizard�
7� In the Setup your Operation Mode window, select Cli-
ent Bridge and click Next�
8� The Avizia Setup Wizard will launch and guide you
through the settings required to connect the CA300 to
a Wi-Fi network�
Be sure to note any changes you make to the
user name and password�
9� Upon saving the configuration settings, the Network
Module will reboot and connect to the wireless infra-
structure (if all settings are correct)�
10� Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the console and
the laptop� The console’s network port is now available
to provide network to a network capable device�
CA300 | Installation & User Guide
Connecting to network
© 2017 Avizia Inc. All rights reserved. | avizia.com | AVZ-CA300-DOC-UIG-04
| Getting started
network cable
and laptop