port time remarkably. You can remove the WPS
from your WIN.INI file, as follows:
[MS Text Converters]
MSWorksWin=Works for Windows 2.0,C:\WINDOWS\MSAPPS\TEXTCONV\worksdos.cnv,wps
Works for Dos 2.0=Works for DOS 2.0 MSAPPS\TEXTCONV\workswin.con,wps
[MS Text Converters]
MSWorksWin=Works for Windows 2.0,C:\WINDOWS\MSAPPS\TEXTCONV\worksdos.cnv
Works for DOS 2.0=Works for DOS 2.0, C:\WINDOWS\MSAPPS\TEXTCONV\workswin.con
The scanning speed of my scanner is much
slower than that of those installed on other
computers. Can I speed it up?
In such case, please
a) Set you PC printer port to the EPP mode
from BIOS setting, or,
b) Add Avision scanner interface card IF05 to
scan at a higher speed.
Does it take long for the scanner to initialize?
If your printer port supports SPP mode only, it
takes about two minutes for the scanner to
initialize. If your printer port supports EPP
mode, the initialization speed is much faster,
about 20 seconds. Generally, it takes a two to
three minutes time for the AV25 scanner lamp to
warm up. It may be the scanner lamp is out of
order if it works otherwise.