Normal Startup Sequence
Preflight Test Does Not Test Every Aspect of AP
The Pre-Flight test of the DFC100 autopilot outlined
above will check the functionality of such items as
the ability of the autopilot to engage and disconnect,
the ability of the autopilot to engage the roll axis
control surfaces, and the communications between
the autopilot and the IFD. However, the Pre-Flight
test does not check the function of every item
essential to the use of the autopilot. It remains the
pilot’s duty to monitor the autopilot for proper
function upon activation and during use.
A normal technique is to set up the desired autopilot targets while
still on the ground (e.g. IAS or VS, ALT and HDG bugs).
Neither the Flight Director nor Autopilot should be engaged until
in-flight and at a safe altitude, a minimum of 200’ AGL.