A V G I nternet Sec urity 2 0 1 1 © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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Type of login
- defines the method for determining the mail server used for
outgoing mail:
- login will be carried out automatically, according to your e-
mail client settings
Fixed host
- in this case, the program will always use the server
specified here. Please specify the address or name of your mail server.
You may use a domain name (
for example, smtp.acme.com
) as well as
an IP address (
for example,
) for a name. If the mail server
uses a non-standard port, you can type this port behind the server name
using a colon as the delimiter (
for example, smtp.acme.com:8200
). The
standard port for SMTP communication is 25.
Additional settings
- specifies more detailed parameters:
Local port
- specifies the port on which the communication from your
mail application should be expected. You must then specify in your mail
application this port as the port for SMTP communication.
- in this drop-down menu, you can specify which kind of
connection to use (
regular/SSL/SSL default
). If you choose SSL
connection, the data sent is encrypted without the risk of being traced
or monitored by a third party. This feature is available only when the
destination mail server supports it.
E-mail client SMTP server activation
- check/uncheck this box to activate/
deactivate the above specified SMTP server