Avery Dennison Monarch 2 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 227


m a c h in e  e rro rs

list o f

8 -1 6

m a g n ific a tio n

co n s id e ra tio n s

9 -6

o f m o n o sp a c e d  fo n ts

B -4

o f p ro p o rtio n a l fo n ts

B -6

m a p p in g

m e th o d , h e xa d e c im a l

5 -2 , 5 -4

m e th o d , ru n  le n g th

5 -2 , 5 -6

m a rg in  a d ju stm e n t s e le ctio n 2 -1 2
M a x ico d e

d a ta  stre a m

A -3

M a x iC o d e  in fo rm a tio n

A -3

m e a s u re m e n t

o n  a  g rid

1 -7

m e m o ry

a llo ca tin g

2 -2 1

cle a rin g  p a ck e ts 2 -2 7
p a ck e t sy n ta x

2 -2 1

sto rin g  im a g e s in  R A M

5 -8

m e m o ry b u ffe r

d o w n lo a d a b le  fo n ts

2 -2 4

fo rm a t

2 -2 4

im a g e

2 -2 3

re c e ive

2 -2 3

sc a la b le  fo n t

2 -2 4

tra n s m it

2 -2 3

m e rg in g

co p ie d  d a ta

4 -6

fie ld s w ith  o p tio n  4

4 -5

m o d e  c o m m a n d  sa m p le

2 -2

m o d ify in g  fo rm a ts

6 -1 0

m o d u lu s

d e sc rip tio n  o f c h e ck  d ig it ca lc

4 -1 4

in  su m  o f d ig its

4 -1 6

in  su m  o f p ro d u cts

4 -1 5

m o n e ta ry

d e cim a l s e le ctio n 2 -1 3
fo rm a ttin g  s yn ta x 2 -1 3
list o f o p tio n s

2 -1 3

sy m b o l se le c tio n 2 -1 3
sy m b o l se ttin g

2 -1 3

m o n o s p a ce d  fo n ts

d e fin itio n  o f te rm 1 -2

m o n o s p a ce d  fo n ts , m a g n ifica tio n  o f

B -4


n o n -vo la tile  R A M

d e fin itio n  o f te rm 1 -2


o n lin e  c o n fig u ra tio n  w o rks h e e t

D -2

o n lin e  m o d e  s e le ctio n

2 -9

o p tim iz in g

p rin t q u a lity

9 -2

p rin t s p e e d

9 -2

re p e a tin g  fie ld  p a ra m e te rs

9 -5

u sin g  z e ro  b a tc h  q u a n titie s

9 -3

o p tio n

d e fin itio n  o f te rm 1 -2

o p tio n a l e n try m e th o d

6 -1 0

o p tio n s

fie ld

4 -1 1

o p tio n s ,fie ld

4 -9

b rie f lis t o f

4 -2

ca lc u la tin g  ch e c k d ig its

4 -8

co p y  d a ta

4 -5

cu s to m ize d  b a r co d e  d e n s ity

4 -9

d a ta  typ e  re strictio n s

4 -4

g e n e ra l o v e rv ie w 4 -2
in cre m e n tin g /d e cre m e n tin g  fie ld s 4 -1 2
o rd e rin g

4 -2

p a d d in g  d a ta

4 -7

re im a g in g

4 -1 3

re s tric tio n s

4 -2

se c u rity /tru n c a tio n  fo r P D F 4 1 7

4 -1 0

u sin g  m u ltip le

4 -2

w id th /le n g th  fo r P D F 4 1 7

4 -1 1



Содержание Monarch 2

Страница 1: ...6 ea SKU 6387910981 KB DIAPERS SM 24 pk F 1 A R E 100 200 DIAPERS T 1 5 V 80 4 0 1 1 1 B L 0 0 T 2 6 V 80 102 0 1 1 1 B L 0 0 C 80 156 0 1 1 1 B L 0 0 ea C 65 4 0 1 1 1 B L 0 0 SKU T 3 10 V 65 35 0 1...

Страница 2: ...on manual may cause harmful interference to radio communications Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to co...

Страница 3: ...etermining the Print Area 1 5 Drawing Rough Sketches 1 6 Using Supply Layout Grids 1 7 Considering Field Types 1 8 Considering Fonts 1 9 Using the Format Worksheet 1 9 Filling in the Format Worksheet...

Страница 4: ...eed Control Packet 2 19 Special Considerations When Using Backfeed 2 20 Defining the Memory Configuration Packet 2 21 Checking Current Buffer Sizes 2 22 About Memory Buffers 2 23 Buffer Worksheet 2 25...

Страница 5: ...nsity 4 10 Option 51 PDF417 Security Truncation 4 11 Option 52 PDF417 Width Length 4 12 Option 60 Incrementing Decrementing Fields 4 13 Fixing the First Number in the Incrementing Sequence 4 13 Option...

Страница 6: ...ing the Graphic in a Format 5 18 Defining the Graphic Field 5 18 Sample Bitmap Graphic Image 5 20 PRINTING 6 1 Defining the Batch Header 6 2 Defining the Batch Control Field 6 3 Defining Batch Data Fi...

Страница 7: ...Status 1 Codes 7 13 Job Status 0 1 2 Response Table Status 2 Codes 7 14 TROUBLESHOOTING 8 1 Printing Diagnostics Labels 8 2 Reading Diagnostics Labels 8 3 Resetting Printers 8 3 If You Receive an Err...

Страница 8: ...Sample MaxiCode Packets A 3 Mode 0 Obsolete Sample A 4 Mode 2 Sample A 5 Mode 3 Sample A 6 HangTag Example A 7 Tag Example A 7 Label Example A 8 Receipt Format Example A 8 Label Sample 2 A 9 Label Sam...

Страница 9: ...1 Using Code 128 Function Codes C 2 Entering Extended Characters C 2 Using International Character Sets Code Pages C 2 Internal Symbol Set C 3 ANSI Symbol Set C 4 Bold Character Set C 4 OCRA Characte...

Страница 10: ...l Conversion Chart C 13 Binary to Hex Conversion Chart C 16 Dot to Run Length Encoding Chart C 20 ON Black Dots C 20 OFF White Dots C 20 FORMAT DESIGN TOOLS D 1 Online Configuration Worksheet D 2 Batc...

Страница 11: ...ur own custom formats on the Monarch Sierra Sport 2 printer This chapter creates a sample Monarch Printer Control Language II MPCLII packet S t a n d a r d Fe a t u r e s The following features are st...

Страница 12: ...nd you have software in the printer Refer your Operator s Handbook for more information 1 Type the following format header in any text editor F 25 A R E 200 200 FMT 25 p 2 Type the following constant...

Страница 13: ...printer s communication port through the Monarch MPCL Toolbox Download Utility P r i n t e r M e m o r y The printer has both RAM and flash memory You can use one or both types of memory depending on...

Страница 14: ...ng a custom label 1 Decide which fields should appear on your label See Determining Format Contents for more information 2 Determine your label size Labels are available from Monarch in a wide variety...

Страница 15: ...he maximum and minimum print areas Notice that the top edge of the supply exits the printer first There is a non print zone 0 055 inches on either edge of the supply Unit of Measure Maximum Supply Siz...

Страница 16: ...on you want to print sketch how you want the information to appear on the label Note any areas that are preprinted on the label such as a logo As soon as you know what information to include on the la...

Страница 17: ...English grid is measured in 1 100 inches N Metric The Metric grid is measured in 1 10 millimeters mm N Graphic The printer uses dots to print images on a label The printhead has 203 dots per inch DPI...

Страница 18: ...print item number item description department number price date Bar Code Used for printing bar codes that can be scanned item or serial numbers zip codes information you don t want to have visible to...

Страница 19: ...heet is divided into sections that list the field types Each section has boxes to fill in with parameters that define your format A format worksheet is included in Appendix D Format Design Tools F i l...

Страница 20: ...1 10 Getting Started...

Страница 21: ...cusses how to N set communication parameters N upload the printer s configuration or font information N configure the printer using online configuration packets N use immediate commands to control the...

Страница 22: ...host or you will not be able to communicate You can use the communication settings packet to set communication parameters for your printer On MS DOS computers you can use the MODE command to set comm...

Страница 23: ...identify null strings or unused fields comment single quotation marks 039 Grave accents enclose comments Any data enclosed in grave accents is ignored Do not embed comments within a quoted string Gra...

Страница 24: ...in quotation marks N Include all parameters for a field unless documented as optional N Define non printable text fields before the field to which they apply N Define options immediately after the fie...

Страница 25: ...a slashed zero and uses the last sent online System Setup parameters Make a copy of the online configuration worksheet in Appendix D Format Design Tools and save the original Packets A M are listed on...

Страница 26: ...arameter 1 parameter 3 p Monetary Formatting E parameter 1 parameter 9 p Control Characters F parameter 1 parameter 5 p Communication Settings G parameter 1 parameter 4 p Backfeed Control M parameter...

Страница 27: ...0 0 0 1 p B 2 0 0 0 0 p C 0 0 0 0 0 0 p D 1 0 2 p E 123 044 034 124 125 126 013 010 p F 3 1 0 0 1 p G 0 65 65 p M R R 160 p M T R 20 p M I R 320 p M D N 1280 p M F N 640 p M V R 1280 p The parameters...

Страница 28: ...figuration packets resend the format packet to the printer so the configuration changes take effect N Make sure the communication settings at the host match those at the printer M a k i n g P r i n t...

Страница 29: ...for the Internal Symbol Set For font 50 or TrueType fonts use 1 ANSI 2 Code Page 437 Latin U S 3 Code Page 850 Latin 1 4 Code Page 1250 Latin 2 5 Code Page 1251 Cyrillic 6 Code Page 1252 Latin 1 7 Co...

Страница 30: ...y_posn p B1 B Supply Setup Packet B2 supply_type Supply Type Options 0 Black mark supply 1 Die Cut supply default 2 Non indexed supply Note You must use non indexed supply in continuous mode Also you...

Страница 31: ...oint print the diagnostic labels See Chapter 8 Troubleshooting for more information You can t change the supply position while the printer is active Changing the supply position will affect the print...

Страница 32: ...ease the margin position to move print to the right decrease to move print to the left Margin and print position are format adjustments They will not affect the supply position dispense position or ba...

Страница 33: ...France F Franc 6 Spain P Peseta 7 Italy L Lira 8 Sweden Kr Krona 9 Finland 2 Markka 10 Austria 6 Shilling 11 India Rs Rupee 12 Russian 3 Ruble 13 Korean 4 Won 14 Thai 5 Baht 15 Chinese Yuan 16 Euro D...

Страница 34: ...for the control characters packet Notice all but the first parameter are within quotation marks Syntax I E ANSI_cd string1 string2 p E1 E Control Characters Packet E2 ANSI_cd 123 Start of header left...

Страница 35: ...xample I E 123 063 034 124 125 126 094 p Changes the parameter separator character from to The other control characters remain unchanged It also enables the immediate commands by defining the symbol a...

Страница 36: ...cter is defined the immediate commands are enabled S e n d i n g I m m e d i a t e C o m m a n d s Immediate commands consist of a three or four character sequence you can send in a packet or embed in...

Страница 37: ...ue can be any ASCII character MC Returns the customer ID or RPQ version to the host 00 99 MD Returns the printhead dot density to the host 00 203 dpi 01 300 dpi MF Uploads the MIF file to the host MI...

Страница 38: ...ate Options 0 1200 3 9600 default 1 2400 4 19200 2 4800 5 38400 Note With these rates the printer can both communicate and print With higher rates it cannot print F3 word_length Word Length Options 0...

Страница 39: ...change the backfeed distance while the printer is active Syntax I G action dis_pos bkfd_dis p G1 G Backfeed Control Packet G2 action Action Options 0 disable backfeed default 1 enable backfeed use on...

Страница 40: ...etween each batch N Backfeed should only be used when you need to advance labels to the desired dispense point N Backfeed does not interfere with the supply print or margin positions you have set N If...

Страница 41: ...n K Enter this amount 1 10 1 5 15 2 20 2 5 25 153 1530 229 5 2295 Each buffer s allocated memory remains in effect until that buffer is reallocated For this reason you may want to reallocate all the b...

Страница 42: ...atile RAM and allocates 153K for it C h e c k i n g C u r r e n t B u f f e r S i z e s Send a configuration upload packet to check the sizes of your current buffers See Configuration Packet Header fo...

Страница 43: ...ging this buffer size affects the amount of data the printer can receive without using flow control This buffer must be allocated as volatile R RAM Image Buffer Used to image the current format Use th...

Страница 44: ...ble fonts send a font packet The file size in bytes is the minimum amount needed in this buffer See Using the Font Packet for more information Scalable Vector Fonts Buffer Used to image the scalable o...

Страница 45: ...available N Free memory from one buffer before you add it to another buffer N Reallocate all the buffers if you need to reallocate any buffer HEADER BUFFER DEVICE BUFFER SIZE M DOWN LOADABLE FONTS BUF...

Страница 46: ...ength and width specified in your format header are not too large for the current image buffer In other words if you remap for a 2 x 6 inch label you cannot print a 2 x 8 inch label without receiving...

Страница 47: ...not send a format clear packet Syntax header packet action device p 1 header Identifies the packet Options A Check Digit Scheme F Format G Graphic W Font 2 packet Identification number of the packet t...

Страница 48: ...th data_rec ord p W1 W Writable Font Header W2 font The font identifier from 0 32000 Use 0 to specify all fonts W3 action Action Options A Adds the specified font C Clears all or specified fonts excep...

Страница 49: ...1 p 0 4 437 OCRA 0 0 0 19 36 19 36 5 1 p 0 5 0 HR1 0 0 0 18 30 18 30 3 1 p 0 5 437 HR1 0 0 0 18 30 18 30 3 1 p 0 6 0 HR2 0 0 0 26 24 26 24 2 1 p 0 6 437 HR2 0 0 0 26 24 26 24 2 1 p 0 10 0 CGTriBd9 1 0...

Страница 50: ...onts Printhead Density Displays whether a 203 0 dpi or 300 1 dpi printhead is used U p l o a d i n g Fo r m a t H e a d e r I n f o r m a t i o n You can upload format header information from the form...

Страница 51: ...5 812 812 p Fmt_20 305 609 p Fmt_25 1218 406 p Displays the format number supply length and supply width in dots for each format in memory Example F 1 H Z p Selects format1 and returns the following t...

Страница 52: ...2 32 Configuring the Printer...

Страница 53: ...D E F I N I N G F I E L D S 3 This chapter provides a reference for defining N the format header N text and constant text N bar code fields N line and box fields Defining Fields 3 1...

Страница 54: ...Memory F5 measure Unit of measure Options E English measured in 1 100 inches M Metric measured in 1 10 mm G Graphic measured in dots F6 length Supply length top to bottom in selected units English 0...

Страница 55: ...of printed characters 0 2710 in the field T4 fix var Fixed or variable length field Options F Fixed length V Variable length T5 row For monospaced fonts distance from bottom of print area to the pivo...

Страница 56: ...Default spacing Standard 3 dots Reduced 1 dot Bold 3 dots OCRA like 3 dots HR1 3 dots HR2 2 dots EFF Swiss Bold other fonts varies with each letter HR1 and HR2 are only used with the UPC bar code fami...

Страница 57: ...y field blocks out or erases existing fields Options for standard printer fonts B Opaque Normal Black Normal D R W Opaque Normal White Normal O Transparent Normal Black Normal Options for scalable fon...

Страница 58: ...s to top of field 1 Top of character points to left of field 2 Top of character points to bottom of field 3 Top of character points to right of field T14 field rot Field rotation Field rotation rotate...

Страница 59: ...bic 1257 Code Page 1257 Baltic 1258 Code Page 1258 Vietnam The CG Triumvirate typefaces support only ANSI and DOS Code Page 437 and 850 Symbol Sets The scalable font does not support Code Page 1256 Ar...

Страница 60: ...mum number of characters is limited by the size of the label and bar code density Range 0 2710 For Quick Response bar codes this number includes header information The maximum depends on the type of c...

Страница 61: ...EAN8 8 F EAN8 2 10 F EAN8 5 13 F EAN13 13 F EAN13 2 15 F EAN13 5 18 F EAN13 Price CD 13 F Interleaved 2 of 5 or Interleaved I 2 of 5 with Barrier Bar 0 2710 F or V Code 39 w or w o CD or MOD43 0 2710...

Страница 62: ...surement English 0 1200 Metric 0 3045 Dots 0 2436 B6 column Distance from the lower left edge of the print area to the pivot point English 0 189 Metric 0 479 Dots 0 383 Note Allow a minimum of 1 10 in...

Страница 63: ...0 UPCA 2 36 Quick Response 11 UPCA 5 40 Code 39 MOD 43 12 UPCE 2 check digit 13 UPCE 5 41 UPCA Price CD 14 EAN8 2 44 EAN13 Price CD 50 Interleaved 2 of 5 with Barrier Bar B8 density Bar code density U...

Страница 64: ...9 2 9 9 2 9 9 1 3 0 1 2 5 1 3 0 1 2 5 1 3 0 1 2 5 1 3 0 1 2 3 1 2 0 1 3 0 1 3 0 1 2 5 1 2 0 0 to 2710 8 0 to 9 Code 39 or MOD43 Extended Code 39 1 2 3 4 6 7 11 12 20 1 4 1 7 3 5 4 2 6 3 7 0 3 9 12 7...

Страница 65: ...ow to Wide Ratio Data Length Appearance Codes Available Char Set POSTNET 0 fixed at 4 3 cpi 24 118 2 10 49 3 4 19 7 5 dot gap 0 5 6 9 or 11 8 0 to 9 MaxiCode 7 N A N A N A 99 8 00H to FFH Bar code Typ...

Страница 66: ...Codabar and MSI you can use L R C B or E For all other bar codes use L B12 field rot Field rotation Field rotation rotates the whole field not just the characters Rotation is affected by the pivot poi...

Страница 67: ...will vary depending on how your field is justified Syntax C row column gap font hgt mag wid mag color alignment char rot field rot fixed char sym set p C1 C Constant Text Field C2 row For monospaced...

Страница 68: ...set width To estimate the size of your field use the letter W for the widest field or an L for an average width field Find your selected font and the desired width in Appendix B Fonts C8 color There...

Страница 69: ...tation Options 0 Top of character points to top of field 1 Top of character points to left of field 2 Top of character points to bottom of field 3 Top of character points to right of field C11 field r...

Страница 70: ...abic 1257 Code Page 1257 Baltic 1258 Code Page 1258 Vietnam The CG Triumvirate typefaces support only ANSI and DOS Code Page 437 and 850 Symbol Sets The scalable font does not support Code Page 1256 A...

Страница 71: ...percent of any given square inch of the label L i n e Ty p e s You can create horizontal and vertical lines There are two ways to define lines Segments You choose the starting point and ending point V...

Страница 72: ...same as row above On horizontal lines this value must match item L3 If Using Vectors Angle of line Options 0 90 180 or 270 L6 length end col If Using Segments Column location of end point Measure fro...

Страница 73: ...The line thickness is 10 dots D e f i n i n g B ox F i e l d s Use boxes to form borders or highlight items of interest Define each box field separately This field is not assigned a field number but...

Страница 74: ...Distance from left edge of print area to lower left corner of box English 0 189 Metric 0 479 Dots 0 383 Q4 end row Distance from bottom of print area to upper right corner of box Ranges same as row Q...

Страница 75: ...Q6 Measure in dots Note Line thickness fills upward on horizontal lines or to the right on vertical lines Q7 pattern Line pattern Enter Example Q 240 80 270 130 3 p Defines a box field starting at row...

Страница 76: ...3 24 Defining Fields...

Страница 77: ...D E F I N I N G F I E L D O P T I O N S 4 This chapter provides a reference for defining N field options in formats N check digit packets Defining Field Options 4 1...

Страница 78: ...e s t r i c t i o n s Some options cannot be used together See the following sections addressing individual options for specific combinations to avoid Example R 1 3 1 3 1 1 p Syntax R option paramete...

Страница 79: ...ixed positions Any spaces in the phrase are fixed characters Range 0 to 2710 Underscore characters are stripped out and the data is compressed if no data is supplied by the batch and the field length...

Страница 80: ...ar code Character type for the field Use 1 Numeric only 0 9 2 Letters only A Z a z 3 Symbols only printable characters other than letters or numbers 4 Letters and numbers only 5 Numbers and symbols on...

Страница 81: ...ximum number of characters permitted by the bar code When copying from more than one field copy into the destination field from left to right Syntax R 4 src fld src start to copy dest start copy code...

Страница 82: ...Data from these fields is merged to form field 5 and is then printed as a bar code Field Data Field Type 1 203 Non printable 2 339 Non printable 3 8 Text 4 BLUE Text 5 2033398BLUE Bar Code To create t...

Страница 83: ...icates type of padding L Pad field on left side R Pad field on right side R4 character Pad character must be within the 0 255 decimal range and enclosed inside quotation marks Note Do not use on fixed...

Страница 84: ...it bar code Syntax R 31 gen ver check digit p R1 R Option Header R2 31 Option 31 R3 gen ver Enter G to generate a check digit R4 check digit Specifies a check digit scheme Enter a number that identifi...

Страница 85: ...R3 appearance code Enter 1 to print price field in standard notation as defined by country setting Use the monetary formatting packet to select monetary notations and symbols by country setting See D...

Страница 86: ...nored by the printer Do not use Option 50 with UPC or EAN bar codes Syntax R 50 narrow wide gap nar_space wide_space p R1 R Field Option Header R2 50 Option 50 R3 narrow Dot width of the narrow elemen...

Страница 87: ...d in any order following the bar code field As the security level is increased so is the size of your PDF417 bar code For each level increased the bar code will double in size Syntax R 51 security sta...

Страница 88: ...bar code field the default settings are used You can only use this option once per PDF417 bar code field Syntax R 52 row column dimension p R1 R Option Header R2 52 Indicates Option 52 R3 row column I...

Страница 89: ...inc dec portion of field If this value is not entered the default value 1 is used Range 0 2710 R6 r pos Rightmost position in inc dec portion of field If this value is not used the entire field lengt...

Страница 90: ...some cases neighboring fields that do not change constant fields may be covered with white space from the changing field s variable fields area Use this option to reimage the constant field or it may...

Страница 91: ...ode 39 with the MOD43 check digit and Code 93 Syntax A selector action device modulus fld_length D P weights p A1 A Check Digit Header A2 selector Assign a number from 1 10 to this check digit formula...

Страница 92: ...s to calculate a check digit for this data 5 2 3 2 4 5 2 1 9 1 Weights are applied to each digit starting with the last digit in the weight string They are applied right to left beginning at the right...

Страница 93: ...i t s C a l c u l a t i o n This is an example of how the printer uses Sum of Digits to calculate a check digit for this data 5 2 3 2 4 5 2 1 9 1 Weights are applied to each digit starting with the l...

Страница 94: ...ted as two separate digits This is the sum of the digits 2 0 2 6 6 1 6 5 4 3 3 6 44 4 Divide the sum of the digits by the modulus 10 in this case only to the whole number The balance is called the rem...

Страница 95: ...raphic packet using a graphic header bitmap duplicate next bitmap text constant text line and box fields N place a graphic image into a format You can use graphic packets to create bitmapped images To...

Страница 96: ...o binary numbers and then converted to hex numbers A graphic using gray scaling several slanted lines or several vertical lines typically translates more efficiently with hex representation Run Length...

Страница 97: ...n mapping out your graphic image The image that you map must be an upside down mirror image of the final result S p e c i a l C o n s i d e r a t i o n s Solid black print cannot exceed 25 of any give...

Страница 98: ...0000000000000001111111000000 00000000000000000000000000011100000000111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111100000000111000000 000000000000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111111111...

Страница 99: ...00000 00000000 01111111 11111110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00011111 11000000 00000000 00000111 11111111 11111111 00000000 00000000 00011111 11000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00011100 00000...

Страница 100: ...00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11100001 11000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000011 11111111 11110000 00000000 00000000 00000000...

Страница 101: ...letter corresponding to the amount over 26 For example to represent 45 off dots write zs 5 on E 45 off zs 6 on F 3 Write the letter codes in sequence uninterrupted for each row row 1 position 50 Z ro...

Страница 102: ...remain there until another format is sent or the printer is turned off U s i n g Te m p o r a r y S t o r a g e You should use temporary storage when the graphic image is used only in one format or y...

Страница 103: ...se in a format Po s i t i o n i n g t h e G r a p h i c I m a g e This section explains how to position the graphic image within a graphic packet header a field of a graphic packet or within a format...

Страница 104: ...d lines represents the graphic image starting at 0 0 with a fixed amount of white space 10 10 around the graphic image W i t h i n t h e F i e l d In a bitmap constant text line or box field the row a...

Страница 105: ...ogo for example within a certain area on your supply enter the starting position bottom left corner of the graphic image This label shows the triangle logo beginning the bottom left corner at 155 33 a...

Страница 106: ...measured in 1 100 inches M Metric measured in 1 10 mm G Graphic measured in dots For bitmapped graphics G is the only valid option G6 row Distance between the bottom of the graphic image area and the...

Страница 107: ...x B row column algorithm data p B1 B Bitmap Field B2 row Distance in dots from the graphic image s bottom margin to the bitmap line English 0 1200 Metric 0 3045 Dot 0 2436 B3 column Distance in dots f...

Страница 108: ...after 1 Decrements inserts before For example B 50 35 R GsSsG p N 0 R DpZoD p prints a next bitmap field on row 51 at column 35 N3 adjamt Amount of row adjustment in dot rows Using 0 overwrites the s...

Страница 109: ...before For example B 50 35 R GsSsG p D 0 20 2 p inserts row 50 again at row 70 and row 90 Rows 70 and 90 do not have to be defined later D3 adjamt Amount of row adjustment in dot rows Range 0 999 The...

Страница 110: ...0000000000001C0 p B 78 16 H FFDF000FFFFFFFFF8003C0 p B 79 16 H 7FFFC00007FFFF00001FC0 p B 80 24 H 1C03FFFFFFFFFFFE01C0 p D 0 4 4 p B 81 32 H 3FFFFFFFFFFFFFE1C0 p D 0 4 4 p B 82 24 H 03FFF0000000007FFE...

Страница 111: ...R GsZZEdC p B 76 11 R JiNzkN p B 77 12 R NbJzzeC p B 78 16 R JaElZKmD p B 79 17 R QsSsG p B 80 27 R ChZWgC p D 0 4 4 p B 81 34 R ZZEdC p D 0 4 4 p B 82 30 R NzkN p D 0 4 4 p B 83 27 R GsSsG p D 0 4 4...

Страница 112: ...in your format to reference the graphic image 3 Download all the necessary packets check digit format etc 4 Send the graphic file to the printer if you have not already done so See Creating a Graphic...

Страница 113: ...ge of the print area on the supply and the left edge of the graphic Measured in selected units English 0 189 Metric 0 479 Dots 0 383 The column specified in the constant text bitmap line or box field...

Страница 114: ...in a sample format F 2 A R E 200 200 FMT2 p G 99 132 30 0 0 p Q 146 30 198 95 5 p T 1 5 V 175 100 0 1004 1 1 B L 0 0 0 p T 2 5 V 150 100 0 1004 1 1 B L 0 0 0 p T 3 15 V 120 25 0 1003 1 1 B L 0 0 0 p...

Страница 115: ...P R I N T I N G 6 This chapter describes how to N define the batch header batch control and batch data files N create a Print Control Packet Printing 6 1...

Страница 116: ...tual information printed on the label A batch header begins the file It tells which format the batch uses and how many labels to print To record batch data make a copy of the worksheet in Appendix D F...

Страница 117: ...ader must precede this field The batch control field defines the print job and applies only to the batch that immediately follows Syntax E feed_mode batch_sep print_mult multi_part p E1 E Batch Contro...

Страница 118: ...n to appear in fields Enclose in quotation marks Length 0 2710 characters C Optional Identifies information to be appended to the data string continuation Optional Provides the actual information to b...

Страница 119: ...6789 p 034 is 123 456789 2 094983 126LG4451 p 094 is 126 is 983 LG4451 M e r g e d o r S u b F i e l d s If a field is completely filled by data copied from other fields use quotation marks without sp...

Страница 120: ...mask Mask number Undefined Leave blank or use 0 data_input Type of data input Options A Automatic M Manual char Type of characters Options N Numeric A Alphanumeric B Binary K Kanji Note In binary mod...

Страница 121: ...e a two digit number in decimal of_div Total number of symbols in this concatenated set You must use a two digit number in decimal parity Parity byte You must use a two digit number in hexadecimal The...

Страница 122: ...l is Q which provides a high reliability Use 0 for the mask number The data input mode is Automatic The type of characters are binary B and there will be six 06 data characters qrcode S a m p l e Q R...

Страница 123: ...is used when you want to send multiple batches All data for the first batch is sent at one time and the printer then images each field As soon as the last field for the first batch is imaged labels be...

Страница 124: ...g fields that copy from other fields 3 Repeat step 2 for each field except the last one 4 For the last field input data and send a batch header with the quantity of labels you want printed When the pr...

Страница 125: ...ains how to use status polling There are two types of Status Polling N Inquiry Request information about the readiness of the printer N Job Request information about the current or last received job d...

Страница 126: ...is returned to the host in a 3 byte 3 character sequence The first byte is the non printable user defined ENQ character which is not visible on the response The second and third bytes are printer stat...

Страница 127: ...The following graphics can be used as a quick reference for the Status of Byte 2 and Byte 3 Byte 1 is the non printable user defined ENQ character Status Polling 7 3...

Страница 128: ...1 0 0 1 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 J 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 K 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 L 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 M 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 N 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 O 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 P 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Q 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 R 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 S 0 1...

Страница 129: ...1 h 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 i 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 j 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 k 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 l 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 m 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 n 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 o 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 p 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 q 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 r 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1...

Страница 130: ...0 0 1 1 1 H 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 J 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 K 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 L 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 M 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 N 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 O 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 P 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Q 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 R 0 1 0 1...

Страница 131: ...0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 h 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 i 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 j 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 k 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 l 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 m 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 n 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 o 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 p 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 q 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 r 0...

Страница 132: ...e immediate If the printer has an error out of supplies ribbon problem etc is in pause mode or has insufficient memory correct the problem and then resend the job request If the problem is not correct...

Страница 133: ...ese are errors in the syntax of the MPCL data stream Printing does not stop but the information may not print properly These errors are numbered greater than 24 on the Job Status 0 1 2 Response Table...

Страница 134: ...ber indicating that data is missing or does not match the format definition for that field Error numbers found in Status1 B always have a value equal to or greater than 500 These are considered very s...

Страница 135: ...tch number is returned If more than one error occurred then only the most serious error will be acknowledged J F B 4 6 33 FMT 1 BCH 2 Indicates that an error occurred on a bar code B field within a fo...

Страница 136: ...rinted from format number 3 Use a Job Request 4 when printing in the on demand mode purchase optional with a large number of tags or labels from a single batch A Job Request 4 may not be accurate if t...

Страница 137: ...d font bar code 10 Field contains invalid data 11 Field has a graphic missing 12 Invalid communication channel 13 Invalid file type 14 All communication channels are busy 15 Receive overrun error 16 R...

Страница 138: ...bar code field 63 Data string too long 64 Invalid data field 65 Row greater than stock length 66 Row greater than format length 67 Column greater than printhead width 68 Column greater than format wi...

Страница 139: ...loading supplies or performing maintenance refer to you Operator s Handbook Follow the directions provided with the error description to correct the problem If you cannot clear an error turn off the p...

Страница 140: ...st Label menu select Diag Label Two diagnostic labels print and you return to the Test Label menu The diagnostic labels show the printer s configuration as well as the model number and software versio...

Страница 141: ...s high energy supplies N No options are set N CONTRAST POT does not apply Re s e t t i n g P r i n t e r s Sometimes the printer receives mixed signals and loses its ability to communicate If this hap...

Страница 142: ...communications settings N Make sure the printer is online ready to receive data If all of the above are correct reset your printer Try the function again If you still can t establish communications ca...

Страница 143: ...r or invoice information N customer number A d d i t i o n a l D i a g n o s t i c s I n f o r m a t i o n For detailed printer diagnostics information refer to your Operator s Handbook See Chapter 7...

Страница 144: ...r 3 for valid widths 006 Storage device must be R volatile RAM T temporary storage or F flash memory 007 Unit of measure must be E English M Metric or G Dots See Defining the Format Header in Chapter...

Страница 145: ...ish 860 Portuguese 1250 Latin 2 1251 Cyrillic 1252 Latin 1 1253 Greek 1254 Turkish 1255 Hebrew 1256 Arabic 1257 Baltic or 1258 Vietnamese See Defining Text Fields in Chapter 2 for more information 020...

Страница 146: ...id Line segment or box end row is defined outside of printable area 043 End column is invalid Line segment or box end column is defined outside of printable area 044 Dot pattern for line or box must b...

Страница 147: ...ment Decrement selection must be I increment or D decrement 207 Incrementing start position must be 0 2710 208 Incrementing end position must be 0 2710 209 The incrementing amount must be 0 999 210 Se...

Страница 148: ...ary price format is outside the range 1 15 222 Data type restriction is outside the range of 1 6 223 Option is not valid for the field 224 Bar code intercharacter gap must be 0 99 dots This is also kn...

Страница 149: ...cimal places must be 0 3 266 Character string length in the control characters packet must be 5 MPCL control characters or 7 ENQ IMD command character 267 Baud rate selection must be 0 1200 1 2400 2 4...

Страница 150: ...iler string is too long Use a maximum of 3 characters 284 The buffer type must be T Transmit R Receive I Image F Format or D Downloadable Fonts 285 The storage device type in the memory configuration...

Страница 151: ...insert before in duplicate fields for graphics 327 Amount of row adjustment must be 0 999 dots in duplicate fields for graphics 328 Duplicate count must be 0 999 340 Bitmap line encoding must be H hex...

Страница 152: ...ngth and stop bits to make sure they match those at the host Do not toggle between Microsoft Windows and MS DOS while using the COPY command or you will receive a framing error Exit Windows before usi...

Страница 153: ...uded in your format could not be found 611 Font bar code or density is invalid The font bar code or density in the batch does not fit the format 612 The data in this line of the batch is either missin...

Страница 154: ...the correct supply is loaded 704 Printer has not sensed a supply mark within the specified number of inches or is out of supplies Check the supply tracking supply marks black mark sensor position and...

Страница 155: ...too quickly in on demand mode The printer does not recalibrate after this error 762 Low battery Recharge the battery 763 Waiting to dispense label Press the F button 768 Printhead has more than 10 bad...

Страница 156: ...A directory in flash memory cannot be found 803 There is no directory in flash memory 810 A file in flash memory is not open 811 A file in flash memory is already open 812 The file in flash memory is...

Страница 157: ...uctions 7 TRAP Instructions 8 Privilege Violation 9 Trace 10 Line 1010 Emulator 48 User defined vectors 48 255 This error is fatal If you receive it reset and or reflash the printer If the error persi...

Страница 158: ...8 20 Troubleshooting...

Страница 159: ...and print fields on supplies Smart imaging remembers the exact boundaries and locations of each field and places a boundary box white space around each field When a field changes that particular boun...

Страница 160: ...nt contrast The correct contrast setting is important because it effects how well your bar codes scan and how long the printhead lasts Be sure to check the print quality of bar codes with a bar code v...

Страница 161: ...atch update field to change information on the label Using a batch update field reduces the imaging time because only the fields that change are imaged All other fields remain the same as the last que...

Страница 162: ...ero When the printer receives the data it immediately images the field but does not print it Example B 1 U 0 p 1 RODGER DIST CTR p B 1 U 0 p 2 8292 p At this time the printer is imaging all associated...

Страница 163: ...t s If you want to modify your format fields check digit fields and configuration commands use the optional entry method This method enables you to reset only the parameters you want to change Commas...

Страница 164: ...Be careful when rotating or placing a UPC EAN bar code with human readable characters because the bottom reference point is at the bottom of the bars not at the bottom of the human readable characters...

Страница 165: ...tains sample formats You can customize any of these formats to meet your needs The samples pictured are oriented as if you are looking down at the keypad watching labels come out of the front of the p...

Страница 166: ...m a t Pa c ke t F 25 A R E 200 200 Fmt 25 p C 140 40 0 1 2 1 W C 0 0 SAMPLE FORMAT 1 p B 1 12 F 85 40 1 2 40 5 L 0 p T 2 18 V 50 50 1 3 1 1 B L 0 0 1 p Sample Batch Packet B 25 N 1 p 1 02802811111 p 2...

Страница 167: ...ter to auto select the mode 0 2 or 3 based on your data See Defining a Bar Code Field for more information MaxiCode automatically pads data with the character MaxiCode does not support the NULL charac...

Страница 168: ...p Batch header 1 450660000 p Postal code zip code This field determines Mode C 001 p Country code C 840 p Class of service C 030 p Message header C 01 02996 p Transportation header C 1Z12345678 029 p...

Страница 169: ...s field determines Mode C 840 029 p Country code C 001 029 p Class of service C 1Z12345675 029 p Tracking number C UPSN 029 p Origin carrier SCAC C 12345E 029 p UPS shipper number C 089 029 p Julian d...

Страница 170: ...ld determines Mode C 124 029 p Country code C 066 029 p Class of service C 1Z12345679 029 p Tracking number C UPSN 029 p Origin carrier SCAC C 12345E 029 p UPS shipper number C 089 029 p Julian day of...

Страница 171: ...50 8 8 A L 0 0 00654113 1p C 178 85 0 50 8 8 A L 0 0 1158 1p C 54 37 0 50 14 14 A L 0 0 49 99 1p Sample Batch Packet B 1 N 1pE 0 0 1 1 0 1p Ta g E x a m p l e F 1 A R E 200 150 1LAB1520 p C 44 40 0 5...

Страница 172: ...E 300 175 1Garage p C 277 15 0 50 10 18 A L 0 0 KRAMER S 1p C 223 4 0 50 8 8 A L 0 0 Can Opener 1p C 202 4 0 50 8 8 A L 0 0 Travel Iron 1p C 179 4 0 50 8 8 A L 0 0 Total 1p C 163 81 0 50 8 8 A L 0 0...

Страница 173: ...a b e l S a m p l e 3 F 1 A R E 400 200 1LAB2040 p C 150 21 0 50 14 12 A L 0 1 BATTERY PACK 1p C 150 46 0 50 14 12 A L 0 1 WAREHOUSE 12 1p C 285 70 0 50 10 10 A L 0 1 07 14 00 1p C 110 70 0 50 10 10...

Страница 174: ...A 10 Samples...

Страница 175: ...portional varies w each letter 50 EFF Swiss Bold scalable varies w each letter Fonts 5 and 6 are for numeric data only The CG Triumvirate typefaces support only the ANSI and DOS Code Page 437 and 850...

Страница 176: ...Bold Font Standard Font Reduced Font OCRA like Font B 2 Fonts...

Страница 177: ...EFF Swiss Bold CG Triumvirate tm Typeface Bold CG Triumvirate tm Typeface Fonts B 3...

Страница 178: ...r Bold spacing Width Mag Standard Reduced Bold Units Character Width Sample Character Width Sample Character Width Sample 1x 1 100 in 8 37 3 9 13 3 1 10 mm 21 26 9 9 33 78 Dots 17 8 27 7x 1 100 in 49...

Страница 179: ...gnification 70 3 default spacing between characters There are 73 dots in the Standard font at 5x 1x 7x Standard K Q 1 100 in 10 8 75 9 1 10 mm 27 4 192 8 dots 22 154 Reduced n t 1 100 in 6 9 48 28 1 1...

Страница 180: ...c a t i o n Each character in a proportionally spaced font is a different width You may be able to place more characters on a line using proportionally spaced fonts You may want to experiment with the...

Страница 181: ...C 75 9 192 8 154 J To calculate other font widths multiply the font dots 3 dots for Minimum 13 dots for Average 22 dots for Maximum by the magnification Example 13 Average font dots x 5 magnification...

Страница 182: ...ximum 1x 1 100 in 1 10 mm Dots 99 2 51 2 6 2 96 7 52 6 R 5 9 15 12 Y 7x 1 100 in 1 10 mm Dots 6 9 17 5 14 20 7 52 6 42 X 41 4 105 2 84 _ H e i g h t M a g i n f i c a t i o n 2 0 3 D P I CG Triumvirat...

Страница 183: ...rueType fonts is 4 N The maximum point size for Font 50 EFF Swiss Bold and downloadable TrueType fonts is 255 N Field color O transparent overlay allows closer field placement fields can overlap witho...

Страница 184: ...tional Turkish Latin Spanish etc characters TrueType fonts are designed to be regionally specific therefore all code pages may not be supported in a given font These font files are large and may image...

Страница 185: ...printers previously supported single byte character sets which provided 255 different characters Now with version 2 8 or greater software the printer has UNICODE double byte font sets which provide o...

Страница 186: ...S 102 UNICODE KSC5601 102 UNICODE GB2312 102 UNICODE UNICODE 102 Characters in batch data must be entered based on their UNICODE ID S a m p l e U N I C O D E D o u b l e B y t e Fo n t Fo r m a t a n...

Страница 187: ...N u m b e r s i n Fo r m a t s Use the following font numbers in your format when designating new fonts 1 49 Resident fonts bitmapped only 50 99 Resident fonts scalable only 100 499 Customer generated...

Страница 188: ...all Technical Support for more information Example W 200 A N 68 p font data p font data p Use this number in T8 or in C5 See Defining Text Fields or Defining Constant Text Fields in Chapter 3 for more...

Страница 189: ...t DOS Code Page 437 and 850 Additional Code Pages are supported with downloaded TrueType or UNICODE double byte fonts The printer defaults to the internal symbol set See Defining the System Setup Pack...

Страница 190: ...58 may only be used with downloaded TrueType fonts TrueType fonts are designed to be regionally specific therefore all code pages may not be supported in a given font Font 50 does not support Code Pag...

Страница 191: ...andard Reduced and Bold fonts The printer can accept TrueType fonts in UNICODE character mapping using Code Page 102 This code page contains thousands of characters which are not represented in this m...

Страница 192: ...A N S I S y m b o l S e t B o l d C h a r a c t e r S e t C 4 Symbol Sets Code Pages...

Страница 193: ...O C RA C h a r a c t e r S e t C o d e Pa g e 4 3 7 L a t i n U S Symbol Sets Code Pages C 5...

Страница 194: ...C o d e Pa g e 8 5 0 L a t i n 1 C o d e Pa g e 8 5 2 L a t i n 2 C 6 Symbol Sets Code Pages...

Страница 195: ...C o d e Pa g e 8 5 5 Ru s s i a n C o d e Pa g e 8 5 7 I B M Tu r k i s h Symbol Sets Code Pages C 7...

Страница 196: ...C o d e Pa g e 8 6 0 M S D O S Po r t u g u e s e C o d e Pa g e 1 2 5 0 L a t i n 2 C 8 Symbol Sets Code Pages...

Страница 197: ...C o d e Pa g e 1 2 5 1 C y r i l l i c C o d e Pa g e 1 2 5 2 L a t i n 1 Symbol Sets Code Pages C 9...

Страница 198: ...C o d e Pa g e 1 2 5 3 G r e e k C o d e Pa g e 1 2 5 4 Tu r k i s h C 10 Symbol Sets Code Pages...

Страница 199: ...C o d e Pa g e 1 2 5 5 H e b r e w C o d e Pa g e 1 2 5 6 A r a b i c Symbol Sets Code Pages C 11...

Страница 200: ...C o d e Pa g e 1 2 5 7 B a l t i c C o d e Pa g e 1 2 5 8 V i e t n a m e s e C 12 Symbol Sets Code Pages...

Страница 201: ...Hex Decimal NUL 00 0 DC2 12 18 SOH 01 1 DC3 13 19 STX 02 2 DC4 14 20 ETX 03 3 NAK 15 21 EOT 04 4 SYN 16 22 ENQ 05 5 ETB 17 23 ACK 06 6 CAN 18 24 BEL 07 7 EM 19 25 Backspace 08 8 SUB 1A 26 Tab 09 9 Esc...

Страница 202: ...60 26 38 3D 61 27 39 3E 62 28 40 3F 63 29 41 40 64 2A 42 A 41 65 2B 43 B 42 66 2C 44 C 43 67 2D 45 D 44 68 2E 46 E 45 69 2F 47 F 46 70 0 30 48 G 47 71 1 31 49 H 48 72 2 32 50 I 49 73 3 33 51 J 4A 74...

Страница 203: ...07 U 55 85 l 6C 108 V 56 86 m 6D 109 W 57 87 n 6E 110 X 58 88 o 6F 111 Y 59 89 p 70 112 Z 5A 90 q 71 113 5B 91 r 72 114 5C 92 s 73 115 5D 93 t 74 116 5E 94 u 75 117 _ 5F 95 v 76 118 60 96 w 77 119 a 6...

Страница 204: ...2A 00001011 0B 00101011 2B 00001100 0C 00101100 2C 00001101 0D 00101101 2D 00001110 0E 00101110 2E 00001111 0F 00101111 2F 00010000 10 00110000 30 00010001 11 00110001 31 00010010 12 00110010 32 00010...

Страница 205: ...1010 4A 01101010 6A 01001011 4B 01101011 6B 01001100 4C 01101100 6C 01001101 4D 01101101 6D 01001110 4E 01101110 6E 01001111 4F 01101111 6F 01010000 50 01110000 70 01010001 51 01110001 71 01010010 52...

Страница 206: ...1010 8A 10101010 AA 10001011 8B 10101011 AB 10001100 8C 10101100 AC 10001101 8D 10101101 AD 10001110 8E 10101110 AE 10001111 8F 10101111 AF 10010000 90 10110000 B0 10010001 91 10110001 B1 10010010 92...

Страница 207: ...1010 CA 11101010 EA 11001011 CB 11101011 EB 11001100 CC 11101100 EC 11001101 CD 11101101 ED 11001110 CE 11101110 EE 11001111 CF 11101111 EF 11010000 D0 11110000 F0 11010001 D1 11110001 F1 11010010 D2...

Страница 208: ...2 B 15 O 3 C 16 P 4 D 17 Q 5 E 18 R 6 F 19 S 7 G 20 T 8 H 21 U 9 I 22 V 10 J 23 W 11 K 24 X 12 L 25 Y 13 M 26 Z O F F W h i t e D o t s of Dots Code of Dots Code 1 a 14 n 2 b 15 o 3 c 16 p 4 d 17 q 5...

Страница 209: ...ts batch data and check digit schemes You may want to keep copies of the completed forms for your records N Online Configuration Worksheet N Batch Worksheet N Check Digit Worksheet N Supply Layout Gri...




Страница 213: ...n d i c a t e s n o p r i n t a r e a S u p p l y L a y o u t I n c h e s 1 2 I m a g e W i d t h 9 5 0 1 4 2 6 3 6 2 4 1 2 7 2 8 4 9 6 1 0 8 0 4 7 1 8 9 4 8 I m a g e L e n g t h Format Design Tools...

Страница 214: ...o p r i n t a r e a S u p p l y L a y o u t M e t r i c 3 0 4 8 I m a g e W i d t h 2 4 1 0 3 6 1 1 5 2 4 9 1 4 6 1 3 0 5 1 8 2 9 2 1 3 4 2 4 3 8 2 7 4 3 0 1 1 9 4 8 1 2 1 9 I m a g e L e n g t h D 6...

Страница 215: ...Indicates no print area Supply Layout Dots 2436 Image Width 192 9 0 288 3 1218 730 8 487 2 243 6 1461 6 1705 2 1948 8 2192 4 0 95 4 383 7 974 4 Image Length Format Design Tools D 7...

Страница 216: ...D 8 Format Design Tools...

Страница 217: ...E R 3 L R R 4 C H A R A C T E R P a d D a t a B B B B B A R C O D E F I E L D S B 1 H E A D E R B 2 F I E L D B 3 O F C H A R B 4 F I X V A R B 5 R O W B 6 C O L U M N B 7 F O N T B 8 D E N S I T Y B...

Страница 218: ...L R R 4 C H A R A C T E R P a d D a t a B B B B B A R C O D E F I E L D S B 1 H E A D E R B 2 F I E L D B 3 O F C H A R B 4 F I X V A R B 5 R O W B 6 C O L U M N B 7 F O N T B 8 D E N S I T Y B 9 H E...

Страница 219: ...you have changed the font Magnifying these fonts causes some jaggedness to occur Buffer Storage area in the printer s memory that holds specific data images formats etc Field Can be text bar codes lin...

Страница 220: ...in a format that applies special formatting to a field This line always begins with R and must immediately follow the field it applies to Packet B 1 N 1 p 2 Monarch p Any string of characters within P...

Страница 221: ...ght 3 14 placing human readables 9 6 rotating 3 14 selecting a density 3 11 selecting human readables 3 14 batch canceling printing 2 16 clearing data from memory 2 27 overview of packet 6 2 batch con...

Страница 222: ...rotation in constant text field 3 17 in text field 3 6 characters magnifying font size B 4 number of in bar code 3 8 number of in text 3 3 padding 4 7 placement of human readables 9 6 chart hexadecim...

Страница 223: ...acters C 9 D data copy option 4 4 5 deciding on a field type 1 8 for batch 6 4 list of errors 8 5 padding option 304 7 picking a font 1 9 type restrictions option 2 4 4 data stream examples A 3 Maxico...

Страница 224: ...6 text field 3 6 disable backfeed 2 19 double byte fonts B 11 downloadable fonts buffer 2 24 downloading batch method 6 9 batch quantity zero method 6 9 methods 6 9 overview 6 1 sequential method 6 9...

Страница 225: ...ing 9 5 proportional magnification B 6 format buffer 2 24 definition of term 1 1 print area 1 5 scalable font B 9 TrueType font B 9 format header definition of term 1 2 format worksheet D 1 overview 1...

Страница 226: ...estrictions 4 2 syntax 4 12 using option 60 4 12 inquiry request explanation of 7 2 inquiry response explanation of 7 2 International code pages 2 9 J job request syntax 7 8 job response explanation o...

Страница 227: ...f products 4 15 monetary decimal selection 2 13 formatting syntax 2 13 list of options 2 13 symbol selection 2 13 symbol setting 2 13 monospaced fonts definition of term 1 2 monospaced fonts magnifica...

Страница 228: ...9 6 point size B 9 polling for status overview 7 1 positioning graphic image in a field 5 10 graphic image in a format 5 11 graphic image in a packet 5 9 pre image definition of term 1 2 price fields...

Страница 229: ...print quality 9 2 programming conventions 2 4 proportional fonts magnification of B 6 proportionally spaced fonts definition of term 1 2 R RAM 1 3 storing images 5 8 receive buffer 2 23 reimaging usi...

Страница 230: ...code type 3 11 selector check digit description of 4 14 sending immediate commands 2 16 sequential downloading explained 6 9 serial communication 2 2 setting backfeed distance 2 19 battery voltage 2 1...

Страница 231: ...3 9 ENQ reference byte 2 7 4 ENQ reference byte 3 7 6 fixed variable bar codes 3 9 hexadecimal conversion C 16 immediate commands 2 16 job status 0 2 7 13 run length conversion C 20 special characters...

Страница 232: ...rs defining 3 19 Vietnamese characters C 12 volatile RAM definition of term 1 2 voltage selection 2 12 W width length using option 52 4 11 word length selection2 18 worksheet check digit D 3 filling i...

Страница 233: ......

Страница 234: ......
