Apply the Skype Account by VCBridge Tool
The Skype account is stand as a phone number when make a conference call to Skype user or receive
a call from Skype user or other HVC system.
After applied the Skype account, user can use to login on HVC system and to make a Skype call.
1. Run the VCBridge Tool by double-click the VCBridge icon on desktop.
2. In VCBridge Tool window, enter the necessary data in the column with an asterisk mark.
First Name:
we suggest using administrator of HVC system’s name to register for security and
management issue.
Last Name:
we suggest using administrator r of HVC system’s name to register for security
and management issue..
Your email address:
we suggest using administrator of HVC system’s mail address to
register for security and management issue.
Account Name:
Enter a Skype name to register and the Skype name will be the account for
using on HVC system as a phone number or identity for conference call. If the name has been
registered, the Skype system will list some suggestion name in
Suggested Skype Name
column. User can drag down the suggestion list to select one of Skype name. Of course, user
can re-enter another Skype name by your own if the name is available.
Assigns a password for the Skype account. The password is 6 to 20 characters in
letters and numbers.
Repeat Password:
Re-enter the password again.
Old Password:
No need to enter
in here. Only for password change use.