1. Features
About Your Vendoma-MPG DVR
4, 8, or 16 Camera Input/Output
Normal input condition: 75 Ohm, 1 Volt
1 4, 8, or 16 Sensor Inputs
4 channels, 4 sensors (16 sensors optional)
8 channels, 8 sensors (16 sensors optional)
16 channels, 16 sensors
Note: DC 12 Volt power is required
1-16 Digital Outputs (Relay Outputs)
4 channels: 4 Relays (16 sensors optional)
8 channels 4 Relays (16 sensors optional)
16 channels 8 Relays (16 sensors optional)
Note: DC 12 Volt power is required
Sound Recording and Two Way Communications Capabilities
16 channel sound recording.
Sound can be recorded locally on 16 channels; however, two-way voice communication can
be done remotely on only one channel
You can view 1, 4, 9, 10, or 16 cameras on your screen.
A full screen option is also available.
Pan/Tilt/Zoom/Focus Remote Control
You can manipulate your Pan/Tilt/Zoom cameras via Vendoma Main.
Auto Rebooting System
If this feature is enabled, when the DVR detects a malfunction in the system, the system
reboots and corrects the malfunctions. This is also called the Watchdog feature.