The cash register side has an external power supply connec-
tor to use a standard 2.1 x 5.5 mm DC Coax power connector
and unregulated 12VDC should be used. However the Op-
to232 has jumpers to select using DTR (Pin4) and DSR (Pin6)
to power to the Opto232 if the cash register has this ability.
However, if the cash register is just using its TXD signal to
send data to the VSI-Pro no power supply or power connec-
tion is required. This power source is only required if data from
the VSI-Pro is to be sent to the cash register and the cash
register receives the data on its RXD.
The metal shield of a DB9 connector is normally connected to
the shield of the cable to eliminate RFI and EMI interference in
the RS-232 signal. In the Opto232 the metal shield of each
DB9 connector is not connected to anything so a true isolation
between input and output. Therefore the shield of any cable to
the Opto232 must be connected to the shield of the sending or
receiving device since no connection is made to or through the
VSI-Pro Connection
In most cases the Opto232 can plug in line with all the stan-
dard cash register cables from AVE. It also can plug directly to
the DB9F connector on the rear of the VSI-Pro. A standard
CR-802 cable which is a DB9M to DB9F 9 conductor exten-
sion cable can also work between the VSI-Pro and the Op-
to232 or between the Opto232 and the register.
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