Color and Status
SDN Controller mode status (in
Mode 0 only)
Red (fast blinking)
Failure to obtain time of day from NTP server, rebooting in 5 seconds.
Amber (fast blinking)
Failure to obtain SDN Controller IP address by DNS lookup, 3 lookup
retries, 2 second interval
Green (fast blinking)
DNS lookup retry succeeded after DNS lookup failure condition
Green (steady, then fast blinking) TCP connections to SDN Controller is lost
Diagnostics tests (in Mode 0
Blue (slow blinking)
Diagnostics tests starting, or no Ethernet loopback detected
Red (fast blinking)
Diagnostics Ethernet loopback test failed
Red (slow blinking)
Diagnostics unknown error condition
Magenta (fast blinking)
Diagnostics Ethernet loopback test succeeded after a previous failure
Power LED
The Power LED is visible from either side of the unit.
Table 2: Power LEDs
Color and Status
Blue (steady)
Operating normally
Table continues…
May 2016
Avaya Open Networking Adapter 1101GT Installation Job Aid