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The movements of the mount executed through CdC will be transmitted and shown in
StarGO and those done in StarGO will have a feedback, also shown, on the planetarium
All the instructions described are valid also for the use of the mount in Alt-Az mode. In this
case it is useful to select the check-box on the left of the AZ-ALT display windows in the
ASCOM Telescope interface, to have also the alt-Az coordinates shown in the panel.
Using the StarGO with a wireless connection.
One of the more innovative features of the Avalon Mount and the StarGO Control System is
the capability to manage the connection with the user devices in a “wireless” manner, using
the Bluetooth or Wifi standards depending on the choose made at the order time. Taking
advantage of this function requires a device (computer, smartphone, tablet) which has
wireless capability and software suitable to interact with the mount using this technology.
The following combinations of devices and software have been tested to date:
PC Windows (XP, 7 and 8) / TheSkyX Pro
MACOSX (10.9.4) / TheSkyX Pro
MACOSX (10.9.4) / Sky Safari Pro
Samsung Galaxy Tab S (Android) / Sky Safari Pro
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and 8 (Android) / Sky Safari Pro
Samsung Galaxy 5S (Android) / Sky Safari Pro
Apple iPhone and iPad /Sky Safari Pro
Other Device/Software combinations will be added once further compatibility tests, now
being conducted
have been successfully completed
The use of TheSkyX Pro and Sky Safari Pro makes the Avalon mounts also operable on the
Mac Operating System (MACOSX).
Furthermore, using portable devices the above 4 to 7 combinations allows mounts equipped
with StarGO to be operated even without the use of a PC (or a Mac).
The procedures for the StarGO control system connections with a Windows PC via
Bluetooth and WiFi are described in the section 4.8.1 through 4.8.2.
The use of the StarGO hardware with SkySafari or TheSkyX on MacOSX and with
SkySafari on portable devices will be described in section 5.
4.8.1 Bluetooth pairing the StarGO with a Windows PC
The use of a Bluetooth link for the data transmission requires the "pairing" with a Bluetooth
capable device. For example, on a PC with the newest Windows 10 operating system,
which is fully compatible with StarGO, follow these steps:
Under the Windows “Start” button select “Settings”. The following panel will open: