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DX404/DX504/DX604 User’s Guide & Operating Manual
3.1.4 Front Panel Interface
The DX604 has an optional IRDT serial interface, capable of
communicating with a PDA at a distance up to 3 feet.
3.2 Operating the DX604.
The commonly used receiver commands are:
* Tuning
* Frequency scanning
* Tuner select (Excluding tuners from the diversity)
* Turning the display on or off
* Locking the keypad.
3.2.1 Tuning
<FREQ> <ENTER> tunes in to the desired frequency. The <*> key is
used as a decimal point.
The DX404 NTSC model tuning range is from 56MHz to 802.25MHz
The DX404 PAL model tuning range is from 56MHz to 860MHz.
The DX504 tuning range is from 900 MHz to 928 MHz (2150 MHz
with Option 4).
The DX604 tuning range is from 2350 MHz to 2500 MHz (2150 to
2500 MHz with Option 4).
802*25<ENTER> tunes a DX404 to 802.25MHz (Channel 69)
912<ENTER> tunes a DX504 to 912MHz.
2412<ENTER> tunes a DX604 to 2.412GHz.
The tuned-in frequency appears on the top left of the LCD as
explained in Appendix A.
If <FREQ> is out of the tuning range, the receiver will display
“INVALID” and default to the last tuned-in frequency.
912<ENTER> is beyond the tuning range of the DX604 and will be