User’s Manual
Technical support
(650) 384-0000
8. On the Advanced Admin page, set the parameters as follows:
Choose Device Type: Access Point or Subscriber Unit.
For Subscriber Units, assign unique ID numbers in numeric order from 1 to 63.
For an Access Point, enter the number of Subscriber Units that will be communicating
with it.
Click the box labeled “Enable User Specified Keys.”
Choose an 8-digit hex (0-9 and A-F) Network Name that will be common among the AP
and its SUs and enter it. The hyphen is required.
• Choose a 32-digit hex encryption key and enter it. Again, the hyphens are required.
This key must match between the AP and the SU so make a note of it as well.
After entering the parameters, click the “Apply” button to save them to the module.
9. When all of the radios are keyed and operating, connect them to your network and Ethernet
devices as desired and cycle the radio module’s power to begin normal operation. Now, brows
er management of the SUs can be performed over the wireless network. Note: avoid plugging
actively linked radios into the same switch because this will corrupt its routing table and may
cause network problems just as if you had plugged a CAT5 cable directly between two ports
of a switch.
Despite the warning, you will need to click the “Advanced Admin” button in order to set the
device type, ID and encryption key. You should then see a page similar to this: