3. Attaching Devices to the Adapter
Connecting Devices to Adapters Using a DAC or AOC Cable
OneConnect OCe14000B-series Adapters Installation Manual
pub-005129 Rev. A
2. After confirming that there are no optical transceivers installed, insert the DAC or
AOC transceiver into the SFP+ cage on the OCe14100B-series adapter as shown in
Figure 3-1 or the OCe14400B-series adapter as shown in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-1
Connecting a DAC Cable to the OCe14100B-series -NX/-UX Adapters
Figure 3-2
Connecting a DAC Cable to the OCe14100B-series -NX/-UX Adapters
3. After the cable is connected to the adapter, connect the other end of the cable to a
suitable device, such as a TOR switch.
After the device is connected to the adapter, you are ready to apply power to the
computer and view LEDs. See chapter 4., “Applying Power and Viewing the