Time and Date
Flexible Dial Plan
Support Multi call rule to configure
Outgoing Routing Rule (Drop, Replace, Add) and Routes selection
Incoming Routing Rule (Drop, Replace, Add)
Dial Group Setting
Call Group, Pick up group setting
Configure maximum concurrent SIP calls
RTP Routed or Direct mode selection
SIP Trunk setting
Cellular Phone resonance setting
Video preview setting
Flexible Routing Plan
Voice broadcasting over IP Phone with separated group
Provide CDR log file
1.1.2 IP Network connection
IPv4 (RFC 791) for WAN and LAN ports
NTP Server and Time Zone setting
LAN : Static Private IP or DHCP Server
NAT allows users to surf internet by means of a single broadband user account
Multiple DMZ Host (PPPoE, static IP)
Multiple Virtual Server
Multiple NAT function
Protocol Route Control (IP Binding Function, by IP & port number)
Protocol Bandwidth Control (by application protocol port number)
IP/URL Blocking
User Bandwidth control Function ( by user IP address)
Outgoing wan link selected (by user IP address)
Remote Configuration through Internet
Mail Alert: H32 WAN up
WAN down
System Log
System Log: local event logging
– log send to remote server
Backup / Restore Router configuration file from PC
Outbound Load Balance: provide 2 working mode: (1) session (2) weight round
Inbound Load Balance: provide 2 working mode: (1) session (2) weight round